Monday, April 04, 2011

The Metaphysical Power Of The Runes

The runes, ancient symbols carved or painted upon wood or stone, constitute a method of divination that began many millennia ago. The runes were employed by the early Norse peoples as well as the Germanic tribes in central Eastern Europe. Runic symbols have been found carved on rocks dating from the Neolithic and Bronze Ages, (c. 8000 BC - 2000 BC). The Runes were never the basis of a spoken language, however with this set of symbols, it was possible to write most anything based on the current language of the time. Although much of the history of the runes has been lost to us, many historians have determined that these ancient symbols were used in the practices of divination, folk magic as well as a host of other special purposes.

I first discovered the runes in the summer of 1994, and used them as a system for self counseling/divination. I was always amazed at the accuracy of these ancient stones when I consulted them with a particular issue in mind. It always seemed that some higher force knew just what I needed at that moment, and sent wisdom to my doorstep via the runes. Through my journey of self healing and spiritual growth with the runes, I was guided to the path of Metaphysics. In early 1999 I began to study New Thought and Science Of Mind teachings. I was greatly influenced in particular by the writings of Joseph Murphy, Emmet Fox and Ernest Holmes. Through these New Thought concepts, I began to look at such devices as the runes in a new and fascinating light.

When I first began to research the runes, many authors placed much mystical power and influence on the symbols of the runes themselves. Some even suggested that the god's of old were still alive and well, inhabiting the runic symbols. There was much myth and magic surrounding these ancient stones. However, when I looked upon the runes through the lens of the metaphysical, a very different idea began to emerge. In New Thought teachings, we are told that all things are manifestations and creations of the great Universal Mind which is God. Each and every one of us is a part of that Higher Mind; therefore we all use the creative power of the Universal Mind in all of our life experiences. In short, we are all one with the Divine Mind, and our thoughts are creative.

I began to see that when one employs an oracular tool such as the runes, mental energies come into play, bringing to us the wisdom and information that we seek. One could simply look at it this way; the runes are an ancient telegraph system which can be used to call home at anytime we wish. When we sit and concentrate upon a certain issue in our lives, we are communicating our need to the Universe through the message system. When we draw a rune, and find that its interpretation speaks to us on a deeper level... that is God answering back.

I would caution the reader of this article however, to stay away from any books that present dark, morbid interpretations of the runic alphabet. Remember, when casting the runes, your mind comes into play. You don't want to give your mind frightening, foreboding tools to work with. In doing this, the subconscious mind will soon begin to accept the programming that the only way to traverse the spiritual path is through much hardship and trial. You want to give your mind positive, nourishing tools to work with. This in turn, keeps the communication line between yourself and the Great Universal Mind open and clear from all negative debris. The Divine Universal Mind is of pure light and love; It cannot communicate through tools that impose horrific predictions or shadowy outcomes. This is why we say in metaphysics, that Spirit cannot mingle with anything that is unlike Itself, which is pure light, love, peace, wisdom and truth. There are plenty of good, positive rune books on the market. Seek them out and use the metaphysical power of the runes in the way in which it should be used; to gain a higher understanding of yourself in the Universe, and to overcome adversity.

The world needs hope right now. Many of the establishments and systems that people used to believe in are crumbling. It seems that uncertainty is everywhere, and no one seems to know where to look for the answers. We certainly don't need our oracular tools heaping more burning coals on our heads with dire predictions and fearful interpretations. I would suggest that we each begin to look in the last place we were ever told to look. And that is within ourselves. There is a sanctuary in the soul of each individual in the world. The still small voice of God abides in that inner sanctuary, and awaits the time when we will commune with it. The runes, when used properly, give us a very powerful way in which to tune into that still small voice, and begin to apply its wisdom in our lives. The runes are an invaluable gift that has been given to us by our ancient ancestors. As I have always said, it is the purpose of any oracle to rise when it is needed most, and bring light to a new generation. The runes are such an oracle indeed.

P.J. Caiden is a certified hypnotherapist, metaphysical healer, author and poet. He is the author of many short eBook meditations such as "Energy Healing Meditation," "Freedom from Fear," and "Cancer Healing Meditation," among other works available through Amazon's Kindle Store. His latest book, published by Conscious Kernels Inc. "The Metaphysical Power of the Runes" combines New Thought philosophy with the ancient tradition of divination through Rune casting. He offers metaphysical insights, quotes from metaphysical teachers, thoughts to ponder, and book-related information at his blog:

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Metaphysics - The Nature of Reality

The term metaphysics originally referred to the writings of Aristotle that came after his writings on physics, in the arrangement made by Andronicus of Rhodes about three centuries after Aristotle's death. Meta a Greek word meaning ("after", "beyond"), is a common English prefix, used to indicate a concept which is an abstraction from another concept, used to analyze the latter. For example: "metaphysics" refers to things beyond physics, and "meta language" refers to a type of language or system which describes language.

Metaphysics is a philosophy that brings understanding to the fundamental nature of all reality, whether visible or invisible. It seeks a description basic, essentially simple, all-inclusive that it applies to everything, whether divine or human or anything else. It describes what anything is like in order to be at all.

To call one a metaphysician in this traditional, philosophical sense indicates nothing more than his or her interest in attempting to discover what underlies everything. Old materialists, who said that there is nothing but matter in motion, and current naturalists, who say that everything is made of lifeless, non-experiencing energy, are just as much to be classified as metaphysicians as are idealists, who maintain that there is nothing but ideas, or mind, or spirit.

Perhaps the best definition of materialism is that of Charles Hartshorne (Insights and Oversights of Great Thinkers, p. 17): "the denial that the most pervasive processes of nature involve any such psychical functions as sensing, feeling, remembering, desiring, or thinking." Idealists assert what materialists here deny. Dualists say that mind and matter are equally real, while neutral monists claim that there is a neutral reality that can appear as either mind or matter. Philosophers generally are content to divide reality into two halves, mind and matter (extended and unextended reality) and do not emphasize such distinctions within the mind half as spirit and soul.

Popular Metaphysics includes a wide range of controversial phenomena believed by many people to exist beyond the physical.

Popular metaphysics relates to two traditionally contrasted, if not completely separable, areas:

(1) mysticism, referring to experiences of unity with the ultimate, commonly interpreted as the God who is love

(2) occultism, referring to the extension of knowing (extrasensory per-ception, including telepathy, clairvoyance, pre-cognition, retrocognition, and medium-ship) and doing (psychokinesis) beyond the usually recognized fields of human activity. The academic study of the occult (literally hidden) has been known as psychical research and, more recently, para-psychology. Both New Age and New Thought emphasize mysticism and its practical, pragmatic application in daily living, but New Thought discourages involvement in occultism.

The terms metaphysics and metaphysical in a popular sense have been used in connection with New Thought, Christian Science, Theosophy, and Spiritualism, as in J. Stillson Judah, The History and Philosophy of the Metaphysical Movements in America (The Westminster Press, 1967), as well the New Age movement, and in the name of the Society for the Study of Metaphysical Religion (see below). Some of the varying understandings of metaphysics held by some founders of New Thought and Christian Science are given in the opening pages of Contrasting Strains of Metaphysical Idealism Contributing to New Thought.

Pure and Applied Metaphysics

There is another way of dividing metaphysics: theoretical and applied. This distinction is like the division between science and technology; one describes; the other applies the description to practical problems, putting knowledge to work. Gathering knowledge (alleged knowledge, critics of metaphysics would say) in metaphysics traditionally is by rational thought; in a more popular understanding, knowledge gathering may be either mystical or occult; in either case the pure knowledge is to be distinguished from the practical application of it.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, author, motivational speaker and inspirational leader specializes in: Mind, Body, Spirit healing and Physical/Sexual Abuse Prevention and Recovery. Dr. Neddermeyer empowers people to view life's challenges as an opportunity for Personal/Professional Growth and Spiritual Awakening.

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Metaphysics involves concepts that go beyond physics, in other words, examining areas of reality that can not be perceived through the five senses. When a person looks at the study of metaphysics, one recognizes that there are many levels of mind that need to be coordinated in order to bring about a physical materialization in the material world. Metaphysics recognizes that the mind is a field of energy and that whatever is physically manifested in life is also a field of energy.

In addition, metaphysics recognizes there is no separation of energy fields between the energy of the mind and all other energy fields that materialize in the physical universe.

Metaphysics further recognizes the energy field of the mind can connect with other energy fields to alter or change the energy of already existing materializations. Metaphysics perceives that the mind on a surface level projects forth from itself into physical manifestation what it believes and focuses on over a period of time. In other words, the practice of metaphysics recognizes a magnetic draw--that whatever is filled in consciousness on a daily basis be it positive or negative is attracting more of the same by drawing from the unseen energies at work beyond the five senses.

Like attracts like according to the principles of metaphysics, so the key is to focus upon what it is that you want to manifest in life, not on what you want to avoid. Realize that through your application of metaphysics, the higher power within will assist you in physical materialization if you are tuned into your higher powers soul's purpose in this lifetime.

When applying the concepts of metaphysics, accept that all levels and energies of your mind are in a working process for physical materialization.

Realize this truth, although we can not see various sources of energy like electricity, radio and cellular waves, we use these every day in our lives. The energy associated with metaphysics is the original source of all energy and similarly, can be used for physical manifestation.

Alan Linde is a student of metaphysics. Take these concepts to the next level by requesting a Free ebook ?The Manifesting Mindset? at


The Awareness of Metaphysical Laws and Principles Part 1


The upsurge of spiritual energies encircling our planet at this present time, has resulted in an awakening in humanity of the existence of higher realities. Whatever the cause of this spiritual conflagration in the hearts and minds of humanity may be, the effects of its pulsation are readily apparent in the interest taken by the general public in the many metaphysical arts and sciences that were once considered occult and mystical, studied and applied by only an elite few. This higher awareness is gaining momentum with the aid of scientific research and study that is being carried-out in various universities and colleges--researches based on the theories of hyperspace and quantum physics, and also in the field of parapsychic science. Various paradigms of the constitution of man and his occult anatomy as found in Eastern philosophy and Yoga are being discovered to contain elements of truth. Even the nature of the occult processes of death are now being studied through various methods already established by science, such as hypnotic-regression. The problem now facing the metaphysical teacher and practitioner is:

1) The integrating of present findings of science to traditional metaphysical knowledge so as to be able to convey spiritual truths and Cosmic Laws in a rational, logical and intelligent manner to the educated masses who are wary of traditional cultural values and knowledge that are out-worn or unscientifically presented, such as precepts of value that are sometimes wrongfully considered to be superstitions.

2) To present new ways of teaching and healing in an efficacious and holistic manner.

3) To personally prepare the metaphysician's own mind, body, and soul that s/he may effectively heal the dis-eased psycho-somatic principles of humanity.

4) To present metaphysical truths that would stimulate and awaken the innate divinity of those interested persons, thus fostering spiritual growth in contradistinction to the development of religious fervor, bigotry, zealousness, and fanaticism. The precept of universalism falls upon the shoulders of metaphysicians to educate the masses.

The four points above should be the main goal of metaphysics. Too often we see so-called metaphysical counselors degenerating into psycho-deceivers and rapists, into street fortune tellers and psychic readers who present sensational readings to appease the lower selves of their clients. Such a manner of counseling causes a dependency to others on the part of the client. As a result, spiritual growth is stunted for both the client and the counselor; for the counselor is responsible for what he teaches. Most people seem to believe that psychic ability indicates a high spiritual development. This is one of the erroneous beliefs concerning metaphysics that has to be rectified. A psychic person may not be spiritual, neither does a spiritually-evolved person to a certain degree have to be psychic. Low forms of psychicism may be atavistic, an indication of soul-regression, for certain animals have shown to be sensitive to psychic impressions. Psychic abilities may deceive a person and others into thinking that one is an "old soul." There is an element of pride in this and is a spiritual pitfall. Like the medical profession that upholds the ethical code of Harpocrates, the metaphysician should conform to the divine moral principles that resides in his innermost being, and not deceive anyone, himself included, as to the puerile over-concern over one's soul status or spiritual standing.

In this dawning of the Aquarian Age, every person is to be their own priest and healer. This should be kept in mind by those who are seeking to be shepherds of men. Like Socrates, counselors should be adept in awakening the inner intelligence of those who come to his sanctum for advice by mystical, metaphysical and psychological means, and not simply repeating scriptural verses or platitudes parrot-like for their clients to swallow. People may reiterate verbally the wisdom of others, and yet in their lives we see nothing--no divinity expressing through them. To practice what we preach is a trite saying, but a true one nevertheless.

Metaphysical and spiritual teachers should strive to connect every person who calls at his door to the person's own Inner Light, to the person's own innate wisdom or Buddhic Mind. We should all take responsibility for our own spiritual unfoldment. Self-reliance and self-motivation are factors that indicate the maturing of the soul. It is of vital importance to educate people the lesson of non-dependency upon the unreal, that which is false, the non-self, upon externals, and upon the fallible human intellect.

Awareness of higher realms is not synonymous to the ability to function in those states. Before one can operate one's microcosmic components in higher dimensions and apply the laws governing any field of evolution, the laws of those states must be understood; the occult nature of man must be known and developed. For without the understanding of such, wisdom and power lies dormant. The Universe operates through Cosmic Laws and creative principles. By knowing and understanding these laws, it is possible for the human mind/will to apply and direct these laws so as to manifest perfection in mind, body, and soul. Cosmic energies may be harnessed by knowing its source, nature, and how it operates in the universe; and by duplicating the processes of creation in our individual lives, we raise our creative level and output that eventually manifests in abundance, prosperity, peace, health, love and fulfillment. A high level of awareness creates strong, constructive survivors out of us. It stimulates in us a profound interest in the abstract, in the first causes of mundane manifestations of circumstances, conditions and states that fill our lives.

An intellectual understanding of the Cosmos and its laws, and Reality, is insufficient, however. At a certain point of one's probing into Reality, the intellect has to be transcended and a higher faculty of the soul brought into activity. It is incumbent upon the metaphysical counselor to unfold divine qualities such as wisdom, love, power, and intelligence that he may be an effective instrument in the hands of the Divine Being.

Laws of Nature belonging to any realm of existence are natural. It is only by non-awareness and non-apprehension of those laws that we call them "super-natural." Nature manifests as a whole spectrum of energies, and only an infinitesimal part of it is perceptible to man's senses. By expanding one's consciousness by daily attunement with the Divine Mind, one gradually realizes the interrelationship of all manifestations, which in reality is of one essence. This awareness assists us to get into touch with the immaculate being of other people, and from such a level of awareness it is possible to aid them to improve their lives in a beneficial manner.

Our purpose in this paper is to present some of the important points of Cosmic Law and principles that the metaphysical counselor should be familiar and fully grounded with, thus increasing his effectiveness in his ministry. In Christian Tradition, it is believed that St. Peter holds the keys to the portal of heaven. "Peter" means "rock," which in a philosophical and esoteric sense, signifies something fundamental, a foundation, a basis. Therefore, spiritually interpreted, Peter and the keys simply mean the fundamental laws and principles that when applied, opens our awareness to the spiritual heavenly state of our primordial consciousness. Higher metaphysical awareness can only be acquired when the fundamental laws of the Cosmos are sought, understood, and applied. There should be a sincerity of purpose in the heart of the metaphysician, for without it divine attunement would be difficult. This lack of divine attunement manifests in a poor expression of one's ministry. The metaphysician must be attracted to the human soul and its manifold qualities; its struggles, its pain, its sorrows, its aspiration toward Truth and the Light, and its endeavour to acquiring freedom from mortal limitation and delusion. Such an interest unfolds one of the most important divine attributes in man--compassion. The true metaphysician is a mystic and an occultist, a magician, a philosopher, priest, scientist, and a humanitarian. All true servants of the Divine Being and humanity are Bodhisattvas. As a public servant, the metaphysician should live-up to this image--by expressing his innate Buddha-Mind in the world of men. This he should do so if he is to avoid being a metaphysician in name only.


In this chapter we will present two themes which we feel are the basis of metaphysical thought and awareness, and possessing the potentiality of spiritual application. To the metaphysician, they are the keys that unlock the door to myriad possibilities in healing and counseling. We will not overburden this section discussing the many excellent books and literature on the subject, we will, however, quote a few passages to support our notions and assertions. In the following chapter we shall present several principles and laws as related to those two themes that could be expressed as "relative and Absolute Reality."

Awareness of the Mind and its Relationship to Mundane Reality

Metaphysics is the study of true perception; the knowing of the First Cause that brought the universe into being and the ontological processes that manifests life in the physical dimension; it is the personal awareness of the causes that creates one's reality, the causes that are beyond the physical and material plane. The word "Reality," of the above heading here refers to one's mortal experiences in the samsaric, relative worlds and not to the Absolute. What one experiences in life is determined by the attitudes, thoughts, beliefs, opinions and feelings one revolves in one's psyche. They are the cause of our fortune or misfortune. Our mind is an expression of the Divine Mind of the Universe, and thus, functions in a microcosmic manner and in the world as a creator. The mind creates in the world of form whatever lies within its consciousness, and more subtly but forcefully, whatever lurks in its subconsciousness. How we use our mind in filling these lower streams of the Divine Consciousness causes the many circumstances in life that we find ourselves experiencing. By creating our inner reality, we manifest our external reality--the outer is but a reflection of the inner. Animal breeds after their kind, so do our thoughts and feelings. For instance, poverty thoughts create poverty while sickly thoughts manifest sicknesses. Negative thoughts expresses outwardly as negative words and actions, and they usually rebound back to us as negative feedback from all those around us. What is true for the negative is also true for the positive polarity. This is the law of "like attracts like" in operation within the psychological and psychospiritual being of man. It is in this wise that we create and are responsible for our own heaven and hell on earth. We are creators and not mere creatures. The Aquarian Gospel puts it this way:

God never made a heaven for man; he never made a hell; we are creators and we make our own." (33:9)

Living in hell-like circumstances and states is is the result of one's ignorance and misapplication of the laws of the mind. Our mind is a two-edged sword that either "slays" the Real by its misperception or able to cut-through the unreal by its power of discrimination between the true and the false. Man was given the "freewill" to choose either one. Correcting one's inner state--one's attitudes, and belief-framework by positive, uplifting, constructive and lofty thoughts cause, spiritually speaking, the manifestation of heaven in one's mundane experiences. Heaven is actually one's way of perceiving things. We may see things as they are, or as they appear to be. Appearances are deceptive, a veil of Maya upon the senses. Hindu philosophy knows the world to be a play of the mind--Krishna's leela. True perception is the de-hypnotizing of the mind of its false conceptions and ideas based upon opinions and not facts--that it may see beyond the veil--that it may cognize and recognize one's true nature as the New Jerusalem.

It is well known to mystics, and documented by psychic researchers, that the subconscious mind radiates or broadcasts thoughts and feelings. Thoughts are patterns of energy-waves that tend to actualize or concretize in the world of form. Our minds, at a subconscious, psychic level, have the power to create sub-atomic particles from the Universal Substance. Whatever we conceive and generate in our minds, whether expressed or repressed, we influence our outer and inner environment--and thus, indirectly speaking, to us personally. It is for this reason that in order to create abundance, peace, health, and contentment in our lives and in the lives of others, the first step that we have to take is in the amelioration of the nature of our thoughts. Aside from improving one's life, lofty thoughts also stimulate the higher chakras, or psychic centers. Prince Gautama who became the Buddha, discerned this truth and incorporated it into his teachings, in order to relieve the state of suffering in humanity and to set their feet firmly onto the path of spiritual integration. "Right Thinking" as taught by the enlightened prince, is one of the steps in the Buddhistic Eightfold-Path.

How one creates one's reality is a theme in many of the channeled teachings that is being conveyed to us at our present area. This is, however, but an echo of the ancient sages and their teachings."New Age" truths are but fragments of the eternal Wisdom that was taught by them. There is, as the Solomonic saying goes, "nothing new under the sun." Understanding how we create our reality is one of the points that the metaphysician should be familiar with. It is one of the basic teachings that has to be inculcated in the minds of men, for the correct apprehension of this principle has the power of transforming a person's life.

The metaphysician has to awaken a sense of responsibility in his clients, that they take control over their world. Many people believe that they are weak and powerless to change things directly or indirectly. This may or may not be true; however, one still has the freedom to choose one's response and attitude toward things; and more important, one has the power of putting the right causes into motion in the realm o the mind that will indirectly change and influence conditions and events. Such an awareness should be instilled into the minds of people that they begin to live harmoniously, for when the source and cause of abundance are known and applied, less tension will there be in the struggle for survival. The laws of the jungle will be replaced with the Law of Love. Instead of competition there will be cooperation. There will eventually be more time and energy for higher pursuits. Without a higher awareness of life, man wastes and squanders his time and resources on trivial matters, and this causes one's evolution to stagnate.

Copyright © 2006 Luxamore

Metaphysical teacher, counseler, healer and merchant of occult/magickal items of Indonesia.

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Metaphysics - A Study For Change

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent,

but the one most responsive to change."

- Charles Darwin

Our world, our humanity and our consciousness is changing. It is inevitable. It is futile to resist change; only you will suffer for it if you do. When we are resistant to change, when our minds and bodies cling to old ways, life becomes difficult. We find it hard to comprehend what is happening around us, it becomes hard to forgive the many things that happen and threaten our old way of being, and so we become stuck. The more stuck we get the more it hurts. Our entire human physiology in our carbon-based world is designed to change. Our physical bodies grow, regenerate, eliminate, reproduce on a second by second basis. It is the way of the organism to evolve and change responding to its environments and adapting. It often seems a natural tendency for man to attempt to slow down change by digging in his heels and making up his mind to stay the course and stay the same. Unfortunately the natural tides and currents of change are far more determined than the human mind. We will be ripped apart at the seams if we persist in resisting.

But change does not have to be so very difficult. In fact it will only be as difficult as we determine it to be. We can choose to change easily. It is a skill like anything else we have to do in life. We can do it the hard way or the easy way. The study of Metaphysics offers a body of knowledge that extends beyond our usual ways of thinking. There are 2 key aspects to embracing metaphysical philosophy:

i) that there is an original essential beginning principle to all conditions and situations

ii) that there is a Divine systematic order to our Universe.

The study of metaphysics offers us a safety net; knowledge into the consciousness of man, into the laws that support our evolution and personal growth, and wisdom into our natural essential being which is fail proof and reliable.

The study of metaphysics along with a meditation practice gives us a way to:

- make long lasting change

- create focus and stillness in an all to often, chaotic world.

- solve problems and become strongly self-actuating

- develop heightened awareness, intuition, & consciousness

- realize the truth of things instead of being lost in confusion

The study of metaphysics gives us a tool kit that embraces the strengths and potential of not only the human mind, but also a clear understanding of the universal laws by which we are all governed. Further, through metaphysics we come to understand the nature of the relationships that we must cultivate to actively participate in the creation of the life we want, not only with other people, but also with regards to the natural world around us and with the cosmic universe. We are an essential part of all that is and as such have a responsibility to play our part as well as possible for the well-being of all of humanity.

Our world environment is reflecting to us the need for change, growth and healing. It has become a vital reality that we learn how to adapt to our new environments without causing additional burden. Yet we persist in repeating the habits and practices that we know to cause us so much pain, disease and hardship on a global scale.

Through the study of metaphysics we come to the realization that we are one with all that is and that as we heal and shift individually so will we shift the future potential of humanity en masse.

Mankind has yet to discover his truest capacity as healer and alchemist. Through the amazing manifestation of energy that is magically woven out of spirit, heart, mind and body, man has the responsibility to be the steward of change for our planet. We must individually and collectively learn the skills that will enable our greatest potentials to be initialized into action for our highest good. Metaphysics teaches us to learn to embrace change, and to be ready with a new frame of mind.

Andrea Connell is a full time practicing Reiki Master, metaphysics teacher and energy practitioner. She has been using Tarot Cards and energy work to assist people in their life transitions for over 15 years and is passionate about teaching people the tools they need to feel empowered in their own lives. She is a popular teacher and offers many programs, seminars and workshops in self-empowerment, metaphysics, meditation and Reiki. When she isn't teaching she's busy working on her book. Find out more on her website and her blog at

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Metaphysics, Politics, and Religion

Metaphysical arguments go nowhere, no different from political or religious ones! What does make a difference, however, is how we treat each other. I may be a Buddhist and you may be a Christian, yet if we both treat each other with respect, how crazy can that be?

When a monk asked the Buddha some metaphysical questions one day - "Is the universe eternal or not eternal, is my soul eternal or not eternal, where was I before I was born, etc.," the Buddha maintained the "Noble Silence." He always contended that those kinds of questions would not help the monk progress. Only when the monk set metaphysical questions aside and quieted his mind, and then observed his own greed, hatred and delusion (not someone else's!) would the monk begin making progress.

When the monk insisted that his metaphysical questions be answered to his satisfaction before he agreed to follow the Buddha, the Buddha likened the monk to a man who was shot with a poison arrow and insisted that he get some answers about the arrow before it's pulled out! He wanted to know what kind of feathers were used, the kind of tree that the shaft came from, who shot the arrow, what the point was made of etc., etc., and of course before the questions could be answered the man would die!

Similarly, before a monk could get all of his metaphysical questions answered, his lifetime would be over and he would be destined for rebirth, because there is no end to metaphysical questions except enlightenment. After enlightenment there is no longer anyone there to ask questions!

When it comes to theoretical subjects involved with Metaphysics, Politics, and Religion, it is important that we can agree to disagree on these kinds of things that can't be proven. That is the secret to peace - knowing that we have differences, but accepting those differences and even perhaps finding some common ground.

The Buddhist "Bible" consists of volumes of texts that take up about six feet of a bookshelf! A tiny part of these writings is the Dhammapada, arguably the most read of the Buddhist texts. This little book, in the simplest, clearest of terms, sums up many of the Buddha's teachings.

The first sentences in the Bible and the first sentences in the Dhammapada go a long way in explaining the differences between Buddhism and Christianity, differences that seem irreconcilable regarding metaphysical and religious aspects, but really aren't when one considers the overall aim of both religions; love and compassion between human beings.

The Bible says that God is all-powerful, and we should worship God, while the Dhammapada says that one should rely on one's mind and be proactive in altering his or her consciousness. Both ways have their positive and negative points, but the important thing is that they both have the same goal - the spiritual development of humankind. They just use different techniques.

Here are the first lines of the Dhammapada under Chapter One, "Dichotomies" Verses 1 and 2:

"All experience is preceded by mind, led by mind, made by mind. Speak or act with a corrupted mind and suffering follows as the wagon wheel follows the hoof of the ox."

"All experience is preceded by mind, led by mind, made by mind. Speak or act with a peaceful mind, and happiness follows like a never departing shadow."

The Bible points to God the creator and humankind's dependence on that power, whereas the Dhammapada emphasizes the power of the mind and how the mind forges our destiny based on our own actions and options.

In other words, Buddhists believe that we are the ones who publish and hold our little black book of deeds that foretell our destiny, and although Buddhists believe in God realms and heavenly realms that can be populated temporarily after death as we cycle through lifetime after lifetime, they do not believe in one single creator God. Buddhists are closer to science in this area, believing in cause and effect, which we perpetuate ourselves. This is why scientific discoveries are always welcomed by Buddhists, and not intimidated by them.

Another area of disagreement is that where Christianity believes in a soul, Buddhists believe in an impersonal stream of consciousness created by our karma. The Christian retains their personality and name in heaven, whereas the Buddhist takes on a new body. The new Buddhist body will have a different personality, even though the stream of karma will remain intact.

But many of these differences are no more than words, concepts, and expressions of the same experiences.

Therefore, Buddhism studies the mind in order to transcend the mind and come face-to-face with that Reality which Christians relate to as God. The results are the same in all religions when mind is transcended. Whether through a surrender to something greater or through meditation, the personality and the life experience changes for the better.

This is no different from what the prophets historically experienced, and what many religious people are looking into these days; direct communication with God - direct experience. But Buddhists don't dwell on that unknown called God, and instead work with something practical that they can know - their own minds.

This is a view shared by the Catholic contemplative saints, as well as the more serious practitioners in many mainstream religions as they look into the deeper aspects of their faith. They know that the roots of their beliefs began with a direct experience of God by a prophet, and are asking why they can't have a direct experience as well.

I think as more people get to know practicing Buddhists, they will find them to be very sensitive and compassionate people, interested in peace and goodwill no different from Christians.

We count on the compassionate actions and kind words that result from our practice to tell our story.


E. Raymond Rock of Fort Myers, Florida is cofounder and principal teacher at the Southwest Florida Insight Center, His twenty-eight years of meditation experience has taken him across four continents, including two stopovers in Thailand where he practiced in the remote northeast forests as an ordained Theravada Buddhist monk. His book, A Year to Enlightenment (Career Press/New Page Books) is now available at major bookstores and online retailers. Visit []

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Sunday, April 03, 2011

The Metaphysical Estate Jewelry of Celebrities

Back to ancient times bewitching jewelry has been used by both men and women to adorn their body. From gemstones to crystals talismans and amulets adorned the body. And thanks to the celebrities who have taken up this trend once again. Metaphysical estate jewelry amulets and talismans are once again gaining popularity. No let me rephrase that they are "hot!"

From ancient times right through to modern day amulets and talismans are worn for their metaphysical properties. They are believed to possess special powers such as keeping one safe, improving ones mind, finding love, or warding off evil. Each gem is believed to contain its own magical powers.

Crystals are used to energize and balance the body and it is perfect for meditation. They are also known for their healing powers. Pearls are believed to attract love. Amber is believed to purify, while amber enhances intuition and the third eye.

Diamonds release sexual tension while sapphires enhance friendship. Canelian awakens the senses and citrine promotes a happy disposition. Emerald enhances dreams and enhances the spiritual body.

Goldstone stores the energy of those it touches, while hematite enhances one intellectual qualities. Jade balance and encourages wisdom and Lapis increases your awareness. Jasper protects and has a calming effect. The star sapphire enhances creativity, self confidence, and awareness.

Malachite balances emotionally and relieves stress, moonstone aligns the emotions, and obsidian removes negativity. Opal is known to enhance intuition, peridot relaxes, pink opal activates inner healing, and rose quartz is considered the love stone.

Smokey quartz removes negativity, Tigers eye increases intuitivity and the third eye, and turquoise protects the wearer. Garnet increases creativity and understanding and is said to bring success to business.

Rhodonite reduces stress, jasper enhances ones awareness, and agate will help achieve closure. Aquamarine removes negativity, enhances clarity, and provides emotional balance. Blue tourmaline will enhance your communication ability, green tourmaline will bring peaceful sleep and relaxation.

Gold enhances the power of the gem while silver is thought to be neutral.

Today these gems are worn for their beauty in jewelry and for their metaphysical powers. Metaphysical jewelry is more than a fashion statement and celebrities are quick to recognize the additional powers that can be found by wearing specific gems.

Celebrities are often the first to recognize the beauty or charm of something. They are usually the first to introduce a fashion that becomes popular. Metaphysical jewelry is no different. With more and more celebrities wearing metaphysical jewelry the general populations interest has been awoken.

From Courtney Cox to Alisia Keys. From Brad Pitt to Ben Afflek there are hundreds of celebrities and rock stars wearing metaphysical jewelry. Perhaps they know something the rest of us have only read about. Perhaps it's time we found out why they find metaphysical gem amulets and talismans so popular.

When it comes to gemstone jewelry and the metaphysical qualities there are many beliefs. What is known for certain is that these jewelry pieces are beautiful and the celebrities know how to mix beauty with mystatism so why not take lessons from them.

Sher from Estate Jewelry International have been serving customers for over 20 years, providing affordable estate jewelry, and a wealth of information on jewelry, fashion, designers, and beauty with on staff industry professionals. Please visit us at Estate Jewelry International.

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Top Seven Tips For Metaphysical Growth

1. Make laughter a daily spiritual practice. Laugh as often as possible. The more uncontrollable your bout of laughter becomes, the better you are doing. Not only should this work out your abs, it will also help you to take life less seriously. It would even be beneficial to greet unwelcome experiences with laughter.

When you look at life from a different perspective, you begin to feel like life is one big joke. Rather than just laughing silently to yourself, laugh out loud when it comes even if you are alone. If you pay attention, most of the people you would consider to be "spiritually advanced" tend to laugh quite often.

2. Choose internal peace. Although the world may continue to be in conflict you can always choose peace within. You may not be able to create world peace outside of yourself, but you have absolute control over your internal reality. With strict daily practice, through intention, you can always experience internal peace. Allow this calm feeling to radiate out through your thoughts and actions.

3. Show love to all who you come in contact with. Empathize with everyone around you, and you will understand that every person is living the best way they know how. They are acting based on their beliefs and programming. Therefore regardless of what they do or say, it would be well advised to show unconditional love back.

4. Spend time in nature. Make a sincere effort to be immersed in forests or some kind of natural environment. I find that this can be a very energizing activity, since it is very easy to see the beauty in nature. Also places that have been relatively unaffected by the human population usually have a relatively high vibrational frequency. This can trigger some profound experiences. Regardless of what you are doing, whether it is hiking, sitting, walking, etc... you will have access to an energy that may not usually be available to you.

5. Eat in the light. All food has vibrational levels. If you wish to raise your vibration, it is important you eat food with a high vibration. I have learned that foods such as whole grains, nuts, fresh fruit, and vegetables have high vibrational frequencies. Foods that contain dairy, meats, alcohol and sugar have lower vibrations. The essence of the foods you eat can have a long-lasting effect of you, even after you have digested the food.

6. Take Spiritual Action. You have an innate ability to transform the world. Each individual is deeply connected with all others and has power to change the mass consciousness. Understand that as you transform yourself you are transforming the world. Take responsibility for your unlimited power and become the change you wish to see in the world. Do not be concerned with changing the world, your role is to change yourself. Once you do this, the world will follow.

7. Get into a Spiritual Routine. Humans can be creatures of habit. Use this to your advantage by setting up a spiritual routine for yourself. Do not make it too hard or too easy. Write it down, and then stick to it. This should include your physical disciplines such as physical exercise, diet, and so on as well as your spiritual practices. You should include many of the practices outlined in this article and in past issue of Metaphysical Mind (freely available at my website).

Jason Randhawa, author of this article among many other metaphysical writings, invites you to check out his website. This free online resource contains his full autobiography, a bunch of metaphysical information, as well as a free metaphysics information package. This complimentary package includes the popular 7-Day "What Is Metaphysics" E-Course, a subscription to the Metaphysical Mind Ezine published bi-monthly by Jason, and access to the Metaphysical Library (a collection of over 25 spiritual E-Books). Get yours at no-cost here:

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Metaphysics 101 - Just What is the Study of Spirituality and Personal Evolution?

In this introduction we can only scratch the surface to the field of metaphysics in order to set a basis for our personal perspective and participation. Late in his studies, Greek philosopher Plato organized his developed material into single subject physical reality books. When these were completed, Plato had a bunch of stuff left over that just didn't fit into the physical reality topics because they were more about non-physical subjects and experiences. He considered these "leftovers" to be beyond the physical and termed them meta (Greek for beyond or after) the physical matters already codified. So metaphysical simply means beyond the physical, containing all the "stuff" that just doesn't fit into physical reality categories.

Just because something cannot be placed into accepted physical typecasting, it has nothing to do with its reality in experience. If I like the color blue, that's real to me but it doesn't fit into any of Plato's reality books. My appreciation for the color blue is outside physical reality but is still valid in experience - or metaphysical.

Webster's International Student Dictionary describes metaphysics as a (speculative) "branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of being and knowledge and with the essential nature of reality." It is often referred to as a religion but to me is really more of a philosophy. A metaphysical belief system is one based on the first principles described, that which is beyond physical reality, more like conceptual reality. Since it is so wide-based and speculative in nature, it does not lend itself to the codification of a religion. It tends towards intellectual reasoning and I may "think metaphysically" but there really is nothing to worship or revere, no deity, no object, no ritual. I may practice my philosophy by behaving in a metaphysical (elevated consciousness) way. I term myself as a metaphysician because I don't want to be identified with a rigid set of dogma or beliefs. As a metaphysician I would be more apt to declare myself a child of the universe, one with all creation, the heir to the kingdom of first cause, a seeker on the path of wisdom, a consciousness on a journey of discovery, seeking union and reunion with "the all."

This is not a philosophy or a journey for the faint of heart as the metaphysican instinctively knows this is a journey of self-actualization. While you may share your path with others from time to time, success or completion of your journey is really all up to you. That path can get lonely as you progress as much of this internal journey requires alone time and reflection. You may have to move on much to the consternation of those who can no longer travel with you because your paths are diverging. That includes family and friends as well as teachers, co-seekers and students. Each path is unique. We occasionally have fellow travelers with whom to temporarily share a space on that path. But the path itself is unique and designed for one... you, just as each student's spiritual journey is individual, their own.

You must seek with and use the highest and best in you every day in every way. That is not always an easy task. You have some days when you are sharp and on the mark. You have other days when you are not up to par, when personal behavior or progress seems to elude you. You must keep working towards that internal goal, even if you misstep or fall back. You must provide your own internal support and motivation. Developing your spiritual self is a better way of life, but knowing and attempting that does not make it easier. When you work on the development of your spiritual self there is no guarantee that you will succeed each time you try. You must persevere. Do you want growth and progress for your consciousness? Keep working. You must earn and create your own way. If you get stuck somewhere along the way, you must unstick yourself and again move toward your goal.

To believe and to behave metaphysically, you must seek and express the highest and best within you. If you fall short, just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and resume your journey. You learn by doing, You learn by succeeding. You learn by making a mistake. You learn as long as you are open to the learning process. If you stop being open to the learning process and you stop learning, you will probably have gone as far as you can go in this experience and can return to your spiritual essence to rest and prepare for the next part of your journey, a new path. The universe has plenty of time and paths for you to accomplish your personal evolution.

Marilyn Muir, author, "Presidents of Hope and Change: Bringing Hope to our Future by Reaching into our Astrological Past." How astrology predicts our nation's future by reaching into our past.

Jefferson, Lincoln, Kennedy, Obama... The Lineage of Hope. Using the influential and interwoven cycles of Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto to predict issues and trends up to 2012 and even beyond to 2025, Ms Muir leaves us with the clear message of hope as she depicts the future of President Obama at the helm of the USA ship of state.

Read the first 36 pages (PDF) including the charts of all four Presidents - you'll get hooked!

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Understanding Metaphysics

The universe has kept many secrets with itself. There are many things which cannot even think of and we don't know them, there are many things which are known to us. There can be many hidden things in each and everything. There is a separate study for the study of the theory of all the things which present in this universe. This study is called Metaphysics. In this study, the metaphysician tries to find out the things which are beyond what we see.

It is very common that what we see is different and reality is different. This reality can be known by using the Metaphysics. Metaphysics is not physics, it is beyond physics. There are many famous metaphysicians like Immanuel Kant, Arthur Schopenhauer, Baruch Spinoza, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, etc. who have dedicated their life to contribute to whatever knowledge we possess today.

Metaphysics is closely related to the nature and to the society. Metaphysics has nothing to do with the physics and physics has nothing to do with metaphysics. Whatever results are received from Metaphysics study cannot be verified. It does not matter how intelligently those results are analysed, but there cannot be any verification in any condition. So the results of metaphysic are useless for a physics person. Taking an example of Thales, he said that water is everything. Water is really everything, but this has nothing to do with physics. People can only feel it and cannot prove it with no other contradictory points. Metaphysics is all about philosophy.

About Author:
Pauline Go is an online leading expert in education industry. She also offers top quality articles like:
Collision In Physics, Thermodynamics Relativity

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