Monday, May 09, 2011

The Metaphysical Surgeon

Degeneration and Leaking Systems.

Our bodies 'run down' and begin to function badly because they 'loose vital energy' in the body systems. This loss of 'vitality' is mainly due to several things happening at once:

1. Inherited Genetic Programming slowing down systems.

2. Lifestyle Stresses that overwork and 'burn out' systems.

3. Modern Environmental Pollutants, chemicals, poisons and toxins.

4. 'Leaking' Energy systems from aging, injury and improper healing.

The Modern Surgeon.

The Modern Surgeon is trained with medical knowledge and the scalpel to enter, remove and repair parts of the body that don't function properly. Cutting with the scalpel affects; tissue, vessels and energy-lines in a negative way. While the surgery is successful and the body recovers, such cuts still leave impaired function. This becomes apparent when applying Metaphysical Surgery to the client after Modern Surgery. In addition, Modern Surgery is often unpredictable and dangerous. The bodies 'defense mechanisms' are temporarily 'switched off' and left vulnerable. There are other better, 'non-invasive' ways to restore health.

The Metaphysical Surgeon does not compromise the safety of the person nor contradict the normal functioning of the body. Rather, influences the body through clever 'natural influence' to brings about change through stimulation, redirection and re-balance of 'vital energy'. The Metaphysical Surgeon restores the body to health by 'turning on' and stimulating the bodies own natural systems.

Spinning Wheels.

The Metaphysical Surgeon is like an 'plumber of energy'; stimulating, manipulating and redirecting energy into the body. The aim is to restore proper function and balance. In addition, this prevents a whole host of health problems that build as we get older. By stimulating the 'Chakras' in a healthy and balanced manner, a great deal of the 'aging process' is 'put-off' and prevented, possibly indefinitely. Image being one hundred with all your facilities in perfect working order. This is now a very real working reality!.

Energy Channels.

The Metaphysical Surgeon is very familiar with the 'spinning energy centers' called Chakras. These 'spinning centers' are critical in drawing into the 'body systems' the vital fourth dimensional energy that 'pumps up' and sustains all the 'lower ' systems. This 'converted' energy flows directly into the onto the Nadis. The Nadis are not nerves but tiny channels of; ' spinning force', 'consciousness' or 'subtle awareness'. The Nadis channels prana energy (chi, qi or Ki) directly into the nerve endings, etheric layers and physical structures. From the Nadis, energy runs along the nerves to the Endocrine System. This is a critical connection. Any blockage to the Endocrine System results in reduced hormone production. The changes brought about in these consecutive body systems all directly benefit from initially stimulating the Chakras.

Repairing, Systems.

The Metaphysical Surgeons' approach to long healthy life is then to provide maximum stimulation to the Energy Systems via the Chakras and also by plugging 'leaks' to the system via therapy, education and manipulation. Chakras must be stimulated with; care, consideration and skill. It is a 'double-edged' sword. The body can be made stronger with the correct stimulation or made weaker by incorrect application of this knowledge. Training, practice and natural insight are the necessary combination to give the The Metaphysical Surgeon the ability to restore health and vitality to clients in need of care.

Patrick.J.Sibraa. I treat a wide range of Health and Fitness issues. Resent research has enabled me to develop a powerful treatment method called: Chakra Balancing Therapy. This powerful safe formula, rebalances the Chakras in a coordinated way. By using Radionic Transmissions, anyone on the planet can receive help. Now, treatment and cure is just an email away!.

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