Monday, May 09, 2011

Spiritual Growth - The Metaphysics Of Fast Food Service In The Bible

We humans tend to have a penchant for 'pouring' cities and leveling hills. It seems we love to create networks of streets, businesses, and housing developments. We are enthusiastic about pouring concrete, macadam, and steel over what were once natural landscapes. We lose little time cutting interstate highways and planting shopping centers, shopping malls, and golf courses on perfectly good land.

Metaphysically, the ego does all it can to urbanize the natural spirituality of our human nature. It flattens our 'peaks of higher spiritual consciousness,' clogs the flow of Spirit, and does its best to construct intellectual grids of dogma and tradition upon our evolving inner landscapes.

This article is about improving our spiritual consciousness so we can live more fully -- and permanently -- at the speed of our Christ Consciousness. One of the greatest prosperity stories in the New Testament is the story where Jesus the Christ feeds thousands of men, women, and children on a hillside.

Metaphysically, this historical event symbolizes an internal process which goes on in our minds. I refer to this particular story as the first fast food service in the New Testament. The story appears in all four Gospels, but I shall use John's Gospel since it contains elements which are not mentioned in the other Gospels. Read John 6:1-15 in your favorite New Testament version.

This event takes place at the time of the Passover, an important historical Jewish holiday. There would have been hundreds of thousands of people traveling to Jerusalem. Did Jesus feed thousands of people with five loaves of bread and two fish? It seems incredible doesn't it! Did the generosity of a little boy compel thousands of other people to share what they had? Perhaps. Did Christ have the power to manifest anything He wanted? Of course! However, I believe the importance of this story rests with its metaphysical interpretation which makes it one of the greatest formulas for prosperity ever found.

The meanings of key phrases, terms, and characters in this story metaphysically interpreted:

Sea of Galilee represents the Garden of Eden

Sea of Tiberias stands for right thinking

Crowds usually represent a mindset that seeks spiritual understanding

Jesus symbolizes our quickening Christ potential

Disciples are our higher mental faculties and spiritual capacities

Passover represents passing over sense pursuits by choosing a higher state of spiritual consciousness

Philip stands for the power of the spoken word through affirmations and denials

Andrew represents a Spirit-oriented strength of mind

Simon Peter personifies a deepening faith

Boy generally represents childlike faith and imagination

People seated our comfort and acceptance of our Christ Nature

5 loaves stand for ever-present substance which underwrites the capacity of our five senses to manifest our good

2 fishes symbolize both formative and creative divine ideas

12 baskets represent the 12 highest spiritual qualities within us that are quickened and strengthened by the influence of Spirit

When we toss all of these characters and key concepts into a metaphysical basket, here's what we get:

When we focus on our connection with our Christ Self using affirmations and denials to declare our good, we will be able to manifest incredible abundance through the strength of our faith, which in turn quickens all of our highest spiritual faculties so that we can become the best Christs we can be.

Dr. Bil Holton is a metaphysician and Truth practitioner. His mission is to help others have a better understanding of the Bible, and learn how to walk the spiritual path on practical feet. Visit his website at to learn more about Bil, and to view the many resources that are available to help you on your Truth walk and spiritual journey.

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