Monday, April 04, 2011

Metaphysics - A Study For Change

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent,

but the one most responsive to change."

- Charles Darwin

Our world, our humanity and our consciousness is changing. It is inevitable. It is futile to resist change; only you will suffer for it if you do. When we are resistant to change, when our minds and bodies cling to old ways, life becomes difficult. We find it hard to comprehend what is happening around us, it becomes hard to forgive the many things that happen and threaten our old way of being, and so we become stuck. The more stuck we get the more it hurts. Our entire human physiology in our carbon-based world is designed to change. Our physical bodies grow, regenerate, eliminate, reproduce on a second by second basis. It is the way of the organism to evolve and change responding to its environments and adapting. It often seems a natural tendency for man to attempt to slow down change by digging in his heels and making up his mind to stay the course and stay the same. Unfortunately the natural tides and currents of change are far more determined than the human mind. We will be ripped apart at the seams if we persist in resisting.

But change does not have to be so very difficult. In fact it will only be as difficult as we determine it to be. We can choose to change easily. It is a skill like anything else we have to do in life. We can do it the hard way or the easy way. The study of Metaphysics offers a body of knowledge that extends beyond our usual ways of thinking. There are 2 key aspects to embracing metaphysical philosophy:

i) that there is an original essential beginning principle to all conditions and situations

ii) that there is a Divine systematic order to our Universe.

The study of metaphysics offers us a safety net; knowledge into the consciousness of man, into the laws that support our evolution and personal growth, and wisdom into our natural essential being which is fail proof and reliable.

The study of metaphysics along with a meditation practice gives us a way to:

- make long lasting change

- create focus and stillness in an all to often, chaotic world.

- solve problems and become strongly self-actuating

- develop heightened awareness, intuition, & consciousness

- realize the truth of things instead of being lost in confusion

The study of metaphysics gives us a tool kit that embraces the strengths and potential of not only the human mind, but also a clear understanding of the universal laws by which we are all governed. Further, through metaphysics we come to understand the nature of the relationships that we must cultivate to actively participate in the creation of the life we want, not only with other people, but also with regards to the natural world around us and with the cosmic universe. We are an essential part of all that is and as such have a responsibility to play our part as well as possible for the well-being of all of humanity.

Our world environment is reflecting to us the need for change, growth and healing. It has become a vital reality that we learn how to adapt to our new environments without causing additional burden. Yet we persist in repeating the habits and practices that we know to cause us so much pain, disease and hardship on a global scale.

Through the study of metaphysics we come to the realization that we are one with all that is and that as we heal and shift individually so will we shift the future potential of humanity en masse.

Mankind has yet to discover his truest capacity as healer and alchemist. Through the amazing manifestation of energy that is magically woven out of spirit, heart, mind and body, man has the responsibility to be the steward of change for our planet. We must individually and collectively learn the skills that will enable our greatest potentials to be initialized into action for our highest good. Metaphysics teaches us to learn to embrace change, and to be ready with a new frame of mind.

Andrea Connell is a full time practicing Reiki Master, metaphysics teacher and energy practitioner. She has been using Tarot Cards and energy work to assist people in their life transitions for over 15 years and is passionate about teaching people the tools they need to feel empowered in their own lives. She is a popular teacher and offers many programs, seminars and workshops in self-empowerment, metaphysics, meditation and Reiki. When she isn't teaching she's busy working on her book. Find out more on her website and her blog at

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