Ever Wondered About Metaphysics?
What does Metaphysics mean to you?
As we expand our knowledge and awareness our beliefs shift as does our vibrational energies. We learn to work with our Spirit Guides embracing their knowledge and guidance whilst learning about our purpose in this life and what it means in the greater scheme of things.
We feel the earth retaliating against the increasing amount of lost souls trying to regain balance and head towards 2012, which has a myriad of theories in itself.
As we enable our conscious minds to spiral inward and assist us connect to our higher self we cannot help and witness those that have not reached spiritual awareness or connectedness struggle in making simple decisions. Be it because Mercury is in retrograde or the corresponding astrological sign impact on the energies for the month. Maybe it is as simple as being consumed by material items because they are too afraid to go into something that has no logical explanation or room for anything than pure love and intent.
More and more I hear many doubt their religious beliefs because it does not sit with how they perceive themselves. It is ironic that religion is based on beliefs and it is a personal quest that can (and should) only be dictated by yourself. Consequently, there is no right or wrong, only what works for you and the greater good and that which harms you and the greater good. For those that are not open to anything other than what they have been told, it leaves them feeling lost and seeking something they do not even know themselves.
So, what does this all mean?
I have always had an interest in Metaphysics, even before I was aware there was a name for it. It can be challenging to find terms that actually encompasses all that is and it is this that I found covers it the best. Though, admittedly this has its own limitations.
Metaphysics can be defined as the study of nature and its reality. It is the question of what is it, why is it and how we can comprehend it. It can be perceived as the study of "invisible" nature, or what I like to call the spiritual. This includes natural, supernatural and how we perceive our reality.
The term Metaphysics is a Greek term which means "the books after the books on nature". A strange definition, I admit. Initially this study was a collection of notes that encompassed all the wonderful things some of us consider normal as Clairvoyance, Clairsentience and the list goes on and on. Like anything, because this is difficult to prove scientifically there have always been sceptics and those that would like to harm anyone that believes differently to the majority.
Even in this day and age, the simple term "Pagan" can create all sorts of discussions, most of which are completely incorrect and irrelevant. I remember a time where I would shudder to consider mentioning that I was a Pagan because of the ramifications.
Metaphysics is no different and you may find that you have an interest in it without even realising it.
So, how is our reality defined?
Is it through our values and beliefs? Is it through the development of all of our lives up to this particular point? Is it the meaning that we attach and the strategies that we play every day?
Perhaps it is all of the above and then some. Metaphysics is a study and as we find our way on our journey, fulfilling and enlightening our souls, it all is relative to the overall. It is all relative to how we want it to be.
As an Transformational Coach and Healer, Hally uses a number of techniques including Intuitive Coaching, Performance Coaching, Life Coaching, NLP, Time Line Therapy and Reiki. Being the driven and passionate person that Hally is, she is also a qualified Fitness Instructor, Musician, Justice of the Peace and international Author. It is the values that Hally lives by that have become the foundation on which Creative Balance is run. This is the difference that makes the difference.
Labels: About, Metaphysics, Wondered
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