Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Metaphysical Schools

Looking for a metaphysical school? Individuals who enroll in metaphysical schools can anticipate learning that all aspects of life, including the intellect, emotional, spiritual and physical aspects, are understood to be interrelated.

Metaphysical schools are educational institutions, or online learning schools that offer instruction on metaphysics. Learning the philosophy and science of ontology, (the investigation into the understanding of the world), metaphysical school students gain a unique and poignant epiphany of life; altogether.

Metaphysical studies consist of the exploration of the beginnings of all existence; theology and universal science. General disciplines that may be taught in metaphysical schools include natural philosophy; ontology; philosophy of religion; philosophy of mind; and philosophy of perception.

Though specific curriculums vary in metaphysical schools, some basic coursework may consist of Holistic Healing Arts, Ministry; Metaphysical Teaching; Past Life Regression; Pastoral and Spiritual Counseling; Psychic or Intuitive Practitioner; and other related courses. Some common programs that may be offered through metaphysical schools are certification courses such as Counselor; Healing Practitioner; Teacher and other relevant programs.

In addition to fundamental educational programs, metaphysical schools may also offer degreed programs such as Associate, Bachelor and Master of Metaphysical Arts; notwithstanding degrees in Esoteric studies; metaphysical history; spiritual studies; religious and spiritual philosophy; and Doctor of Metaphysical Philosophy.

Overall, metaphysical schools develop comprehensive curriculums geared toward producing metaphysical healing practitioners, ministers, pastoral counselors and teachers who have been skillfully trained and educated to practice various forms of metaphysics.

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERAL OVERVIEW and may or may not reflect specific practices, courses and/or services associated with ANY ONE particular school(s) that is or is not advertised on

Copyright 2006 - All Rights Reserved

C. Bailey-Lloyd in association with Media Positive Communications, Inc. for

C. Bailey-Lloyd is the Public Relations' Director for Media Positive Communications, Inc. in association with Find Metaphysical Schools at; meeting your needs as your educational resource to locate schools.

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Approaching Metaphysics Part 1

Before one approaches seriously the study of metaphysics, magick, the occult, or mysticism, it is appropriate that one prepares oneself on all levels: mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. It is of vital importance that the student be psychologically prepared for the reception of Cosmic truths; for without adequate preparation, without the required purity, the right attitude and the right motive, one simply deludes or sidetracks oneself from all that which is essential in occult study to those phenomena and teachings that are unessential, delusive, and misleading; to phenomena that simply strengthen one's hold in a world of illusion, glamour, pride and ego; aside from this, should one attempt occult work without due preparation one exposes oneself to certain dangers which are far-reaching. Without adequate preparation the student would abuse and misuse occult, spiritual teachings and powers.

The karmic consequences of this abuse may stall or cause stagnation in one's spiritual evolution for countless incarnations. Basically, religion without the theological dogmas, is an appropriate basis for the study of metaphysics. Students of metaphysics are advised to deepen their religious activities by engaging in personal study of their scriptures or holy book without relying on the usual channels or interpreters for clarification. This is to preserve one's bicameral mind from external influence and dependency on "authority figures" that may be damaging to the psyche in the long run.

Purity, sincerity, humility, and a selfless motive which seeks to serve one's fellow men are qualities to possess or develop when requesting from, or studying the teachings of a spiritual/ metaphysical teacher, or even when embarking on our own by studying books on the occult. These qualities or virtues are our safeguard. They protect us from negative forces which affect our mental and emotional stability.

One of the keys to preparation is to eliminate the false ego from our thinking and centeredness. Think from the Christ level. Think the thoughts of Jesus, Muhammad-the Prophet, Krishna, Lao Tze, or Buddha. What do you think these avatars and prophets of God think constantly of? They think of God, Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. Therefore we advise each student to do likewise. Thinking abstract thoughts, divine thoughts, spiritual thoughts, and holy thoughts raises the vibrations of the physical, etheric, astral and mental bodies. This facilitates metaphysical and spiritual development so needed by the human race. It improves the quality of humanity.

One of the problems which poses as an obstacle to occult and metaphysical study is that of the crystallized mind. As a preparation, the first step that has to be undertaken by the student of metaphysics and the occult is to temporary put away all previous concepts and beliefs regarding them. There are many false beliefs and superstition concerning the occult perpetuated by ignorant individuals, by psychics of a low caliber, by secular education, and even by religion, that we have to cast all of those beliefs aside and prepare our minds to really think and use our reason and intuition. Even if we had learnt metaphysics or branches of it previously from genuine teachers, it is still required of us to shelve them aside when we begin our apprenticeship under a new tutor.

Our minds should be open and receptive to the teachings of the higher worlds, but if our minds are closed and crystallized, we fail to register the truths concealed in occult and metaphysical teachings regarding the laws of the cosmos, the higher worlds, the principles of mind and one's psychic nature. If the teachings of any metaphysical system or teacher (including this writer) contradict your personal notions and feelings and you have trouble accepting them, simply shelve them aside for the time being and consider them again at a later date when you have acquired more experiences and knowledge. Realize, however, that most of the time opinions and beliefs do not reflect Truth. We teach what we personally know or what others personally know. We do not proselytize or impose our words upon others against their will. We are happy to give to others the teachings of the Spiritual Masters should they be receptive and just as happy not to give should they be non-receptive. We can lead a horse to a drinking trough but we are unable to make it drink.

Granted, that information concerning the occult the tyro or neophyte often has to regard as hypothesis, or working theories, but in time the student is given methods for investigating and proving to himself the verities of metaphysical truths and the realities of the higher worlds.

We seek knowledge, wisdom, and experience--not mere beliefs. For the student of Nature's mysteries, beliefs will not do. Beliefs are blatant expressions of one's ignorance, for if one knows, why is there a need for beliefs? If one should say that one believes in the existence of something, one implies in that statement that one does not really know if that something exists. Belief and knowledge are poles apart.

In spiritual and occult training one invokes intense energies, powers and forces emanating from the spiritual worlds. These energies flow into the whole microcosm even down to the physical level. Should the physical body and its force-field vibrate at a very low level because of the presence of impurities, toxins, and negative forces, the nervous and energy systems of the physical and etheric bodies would explode and rupture during the influx of those higher energies. This is one reason why one embarks upon the Path of Purification prior to engaging in advance occult work.

The Master's Advice

In days gone by, when a student approached a spiritual or occult master for instructions, the master would say "empty your cup." The master illustrates the purpose of this by pouring fresh tea into a cup already filled to the brim with the liquid. The tea would naturally overflow. "Likewise," the master would say, "will the teachings I fill your mind be rejected by all of your previous thoughts and false beliefs. Therefore, empty your cup." Which means, in other words, "empty your mind of previous ideas and conceptions." Most people are disinclined to accepting new ideas. They dislike change, and yet we must change towards a positive direction if we are to progress. There is a senseless fear and laziness in most people in operating their brain faculties such as using their mind to reason. Our minds must be open and flexible, yet putting all new ideas to the test where possible before accepting them. We must strive to see the logic and rationality in concepts, if any, that are new to us. In other words, we must think! It would not hurt to be critical in a positive and constructive sense of novel ideas or even religious ideas if we believe that our criticism is valid. Although the mind is limited, it has its purpose and we should not shirk from using it.

It is an important requirement for the occult student not to form any false ideas concerning himself and lower his self-esteem. He should not limit his mind and divine expression by saying "I can't do this," "I can't do that." One never knows what one can do until one tries. This applies to all branches of learning and study. Often we hear people say "nobody's perfect," and they use this as an excuse not to improve their morality, their character, their minds or even their social standing. If one approaches the study of metaphysics and the occult in this manner, one is bound to fail. Metaphysics is hard work, and those who are not interested in work should leave metaphysics alone. Metaphysical truths awaken a person from self-complacency and the slumber of mortal errors. The student of metaphysics should be prepared for this and not rebel when it occurs. When you come to the point where you can think of nothing but metaphysics in your everyday activities, you shall succeed in being a metaphysician. Metaphysics has to be incorporated into one's life 24 hours a day.

Studying the occult and metaphysics requires great perseverance, endurance, patience, and fortitude. It even requires a certain degree of intelligence. Note that we do not say education or intellect, for the educated mind and intellect at times can be more of a hindrance than an asset. Unless our mind is receptive and open to modify previous findings or concepts expounded by science or religion which from the point of view of metaphysics are erroneous, one would simply fail in metaphysical study and the probing of Nature's higher laws. The intellect, as the result of education is simply the building blocks that we accumulate, whereas intelligence is the conscious directive power that builds an edifice out of those blocks. Being educated implies gathering data and information that may or may not be true or even relevant to one's life. We should seek the sort of knowledge that is applicable to our everyday lives with its countless challenges and problems. Overcoming human problems is mastership. Intelligence is a necessary attribute to comprehending metaphysical principles. You need not be concerned of any lack of intelligence, however, for metaphysical practices itself raises one's I.Q., E.Q., and S.Q.

Some occultists, metaphysicians, and mystics have declared that it is much easier acquiring an academic degree than getting fruitful results from occult study. This is indeed true, for occult study requires unfolding the inner senses to register higher vibrations and the various phenomena of the higher dimensions, and this takes much time and energy for practice and training. The purpose of metaphysical study is to make each and every one torchbearers of Truth. Work for Truth, live in Truth, promote Truth and it is guaranteed that you will evolve into God's Light. However, seek no reward.

Metaphysical development requires time, patience, perseverance and great concentration--the type of concentration not normally possessed by the average person. This training of psychic and metaphysical faculties may take a whole life time for its perfect functioning and control. We should not be daunted by this, however. The Master Jesus said, "In patience possess ye your soul," and this each student of metaphysics must be conscientious of. The student must have patience and possess his or her soul and not allow the Dark forces to possess it. In metaphysics we learn to direct our lower self, if we do not do this, negative beings will.

It is expedient that the student remove religious and any form of prejudice from his mind and heart. At times teachers of metaphysics may refer to the text of one religion in preference to another to illustrate or substantiate certain metaphysical concepts. This they do, not because of their personal background and not because of any animosity toward the other religions, but because of convenience sake. We know that the essence of all religions is Truth itself. Metaphysicians, therefore, teach and refer to the Truth in all religions whenever possible. This brings up another subject to mind: fanaticism. Fanaticism is not to be tolerated, not in metaphysics, not in religion, not in any human endeavor whatsoever. Fanaticism simply indicates a blind belief in principles and opinions, most of which may be dubious as to their validity. Fanaticism is separatistic, narrow-minded and destructive, and should be avoided. It breaks up unity by creating divisions and schisms. It is the very antithesis of the spiritual precept: "unity in diversity." The motto of the Dark forces will always be "divide and conquer."

Man is a microcosm of the macrocosm. In religious terms, man is a reflection of God, for he/she was made in God's image. Since God is perfect, man likewise, in a spiritual sense, is perfect. Man carries the seeds of perfection within him. He only needs to unfold this divine seed of perfection lying dormant within him. When this is done all things become possible to man. In order to nurture these divine seeds, one must overcome inertia and work with the evolutionary forces of Nature.

The Motive of Study

One of the first few things that a student of metaphysic has to do is to introspect and analyze as to the motive for approaching metaphysical study. Why does one want to study metaphysics, its branches, and its various arts such as magick, mysticism, esotericism, psychometry, dowsing, or telepathy? For what reason? For what motive? Is it simply to gain advantage over another, for power over others? Or is it simply to acquire name and fame or the riches that it will produce? Approaching metaphysics with such motives would retard one's spiritual growth and is not condoned by any spiritual teacher of worth. A true and noble motive would be to serve God and humanity in spiritualizing this physical world, in manifesting Heaven on Earth, where Truth, Justice, Righteousness, Love, Peace and Goodwill between men prevails. Should your motive be negative, you are advised to transform it now. Do not deceive yourself as to your motive.

Another thing that we must not do, is to steal the secrets of heaven or gain entry into it by force, meaning that we should not force our occult growth by engaging in dubious exercises obtained through sources with no real integrity or authority to transmitting them and hoping for an instant development with their application. Should occult abilities be "instantly" procured, it would not be permanent and would result in adverse effects in most cases. We all know the low quality of plants cultivated in greenhouses as compared to the cultivation done underneath Nature's roof. It is the same with metaphysical growth. Heaven is not willing to release her secrets to the profane, and if by chance any of us acquire her secrets and apply them without the proper motive and purity, we unknowingly curse ourselves. The scriptures say that God is not mocked. This is a symbolic way of saying that the Law of Karma is operative and no one is able to avoid its influence.

The student should be aware that there are false Gurus in the metaphysical field. Every student should be wary and cautious in accepting what they have to teach, for though what they teach be sweet to the mouth, their effects may be bitter to the stomach. These Gurus have no sense of responsibility, and they control and manipulate the minds of their followers for their own nefarious reasons. They create a morbid dependency on the part of the student.

Without the adequate and correct preparation through the Path of Purification, although one may unfold in a psychic manner, if accepted and trained by a "Guru," one would limit one's psychic development and stagnate in one's spiritual evolution. The higher occult and mystical abilities requires that one be spiritually developed, and this cannot be attained without the necessary purification of the microcosm.

Spiritual Masters of the occult and metaphysics are wary and watchful of students with impure motives. It is not unusual for Spiritual Masters to reject applicants for study or to put them through certain tests, or to give them some advise and told to return at a later date, perhaps a week, or a year later. Just because a student is anxious to study the occult does not imply that he is ready for it or that he should be accepted by a Spiritual Master or Adept. Acceptance by a Spiritual Master and the initiations that he has to offer requires sincerity of motive and more besides. The false Guru may perhaps accept such a student for personal reasons--for fame, name, glory or wealth. The true Guru, however, never consider these things as criteria for accepting students, although he may work in strange ways that sometimes seem amoral or irrational in order to test candidates. An occult axiom states that, "When the student is ready, the master appears." The advise here is to make oneself ready through proper preparation and not sit and wait and twiddle one's thumbs. The master in this axiom may refer to a spiritual being, one's personal spiritual guide or guardian, or even to a metaphysical school.

It should be known that the metaphysical path is a strenuous one requiring every minute of the day. One does not engage in metaphysics at certain spare moments available. One must make time for the study and practice of metaphysics. Reduce unnecessary socializing and reduce watching TV and movies to a bare minimum; preferable not at all wasting time on them. This may result in some conflict between your friends and relatives as you settle-in to your new metaphysical routine, but consider this: what is more important, their egoistic and personal gratification and demands or your study of Truth with its eternal worth and its spiritual application in the affairs of men? It is up to you to decide; however, if results are not forthcoming from your practice because of your lack of application, you have no one to blame but yourself. One piece of advice: you may drop-out from metaphysical study but never drop-out from life, for it may be that your real metaphysical teacher and lesson is life itself. Accept whatever life brings and learn from it; otherwise, seek to change it using your God-given creative powers.

The Contemplation of Life and Death

Perhaps one of the things that a novice of metaphysics is told to do at the very outset by a true metaphysical or spiritual teacher is to contemplate the meaning of death and the opportunity that life offers. This dual theme is a healthy, sane, and balanced contemplation that when analyzed individually tends to produce an unhealthy pessimistic or overly hopeful attitude. How does one begin this contemplation? By reflecting on the following: first of all realize that we are all heading toward physical death, This might seem discouraging nevertheless is a true statement that cannot be contradicted. With every second, with every breath that we take we approach closer to our grave. Nature guarantees us nothing in life but our coming demise. This is her promise. We do not know when we will leave the physical body permanently. It may be the next hour, today or tomorrow, but leave it we shall. From these musings questions would arise: "What then is the meaning of life?" What is the purpose of life?" Shall we say as the materialists would say, "let us eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die"? What sort of a philosophy is that when our query remains unanswered? It would be preferable to say "let us study the purpose and meaning of life for we know not when we will pass away and God's purpose for us here may not be carried-out if we spend our time on frivolous matters."

Contemplating further, we will realize one major thing, and that life here is an opportunity. Opportunity for what? An opportunity to grow, to become, and to be. Heraclitus, the philosopher of ancient Greece said that everything is becoming. This is the Law of Change. From our metaphysical point of view, we understand that he was referring to the Law of Evolution.

Copyright © 2006 Luxamore

Metaphysical teacher, counseler, healer and merchant of occult/magickal items of Indonesia.

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Viewing Metaphysical Movies For Raising Consciousness

Let's be honest, it can be quite a challenge to find good television programming these days. Fortunately, you do have a choice, and if you are concerned about raising consciousness, viewing metaphysical movies is a good way to keep yourself entertained and spiritually centered at the same time.

Raising Consciousness

If you've been meditating and have been on a spiritual path for a long time, then it's no secret to you that one of your underlying goals of your spiritual quest is to raise your level of consciousness. While meditation is the number one way to accomplish this, there are other more subtle ways as well, one of which I would like to touch a little bit on.

Metaphysical Movies or Not?

So what exactly is a metaphysical movie? Well, a good metaphysical movie is defined as any movie that shares certain positive commonalities with metaphysics. This may be at a deep level, at a subtle level or at a very obvious level.

A subtle example may be a movie that on the surface may not seem to have anything to do with metaphysics, but when you dig deeper, you may find the moral of the movie to be very spiritual in nature.

You tend to see this quite a bit with "feel good" types of movies. A movie such as "Always" is a good example of this.

There may also be movies that have more subtle metaphysical meanings or contain metaphors that are spiritual or metaphysical in nature.

On the other hand, there are those movies that are more obviously classified as metaphysical movies. For example, movies such as "What the Bleep" or "Conversations With God" name just a couple of those types of movies. Movies and documentaries of this nature take a chance by diving right into metaphysics, with the understanding that the risk of releasing this type of movie may end up being very controversial.

Movies like the two examples listed above tend to have more of a select audience, but can sometimes end up being a smashing hit, such as "The Secret".

Do a Google search on metaphysical movies or spiritual movies, there are many more than you think. Many of these movies are available at Netflix or Spiritual Cinema. This type of entertainment is a great way to relax and keep yourself spiritually centered at the same time.

Click metaphysical movies to read more info on metaphysical movies

Visit for up to date information on many spiritual topics. It's my hope that someday science and spirituality will eventually merge into one.

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Metaphysical Schools

Looking for a metaphysical school? Individuals who enroll in metaphysical schools can anticipate learning that all aspects of life, including the intellect, emotional, spiritual and physical aspects, are understood to be interrelated.

Metaphysical schools are educational institutions, or online learning schools that offer instruction on metaphysics. Learning the philosophy and science of ontology, (the investigation into the understanding of the world), metaphysical school students gain a unique and poignant epiphany of life; altogether.

Metaphysical studies consist of the exploration of the beginnings of all existence; theology and universal science. General disciplines that may be taught in metaphysical schools include natural philosophy; ontology; philosophy of religion; philosophy of mind; and philosophy of perception.

Though specific curriculums vary in metaphysical schools, some basic coursework may consist of Holistic Healing Arts, Ministry; Metaphysical Teaching; Past Life Regression; Pastoral and Spiritual Counseling; Psychic or Intuitive Practitioner; and other related courses. Some common programs that may be offered through metaphysical schools are certification courses such as Counselor; Healing Practitioner; Teacher and other relevant programs.

In addition to fundamental educational programs, metaphysical schools may also offer degreed programs such as Associate, Bachelor and Master of Metaphysical Arts; notwithstanding degrees in Esoteric studies; metaphysical history; spiritual studies; religious and spiritual philosophy; and Doctor of Metaphysical Philosophy.

Overall, metaphysical schools develop comprehensive curriculums geared toward producing metaphysical healing practitioners, ministers, pastoral counselors and teachers who have been skillfully trained and educated to practice various forms of metaphysics.

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERAL OVERVIEW and may or may not reflect specific practices, courses and/or services associated with ANY ONE particular school(s) that is or is not advertised on

Copyright 2006 - All Rights Reserved

C. Bailey-Lloyd in association with Media Positive Communications, Inc. for

C. Bailey-Lloyd is the Public Relations' Director for Media Positive Communications, Inc. in association with Find Metaphysical Schools at; meeting your needs as your educational resource to locate schools.

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Obtaining an Online Metaphysical Education

Many individuals seek answers regarding what many people describe as life's big questions. Metaphysical schools are devoted to answering questions related to the existence and the origin of nature. Students can complete online metaphysical education through several colleges that provide degree programs.

Education focuses on explaining the nature of being in conjunction with the structure of the world. The goal is to develop a strong bond between the physical, mental, and spiritual qualities that make an individual a whole. Online learning explores these areas through a wide range of course topics that prepare students for the professional industry. Students can enter online training in areas such as spiritual philosophy, Eastern religion, holistic life coaching, mysticism, and more. Degree programs can be entered at all levels of education. Most online colleges provide students with the chance to obtain a bachelor's, master's, or doctorate degree.

A bachelor's degree program serves as a platform on which students can build careers or obtain further education. Many programs can be entered at this level so students should research the best option for them and their career goals. A possible educational option is obtaining a metaphysical theology degree. Students attend many courses relating to religion, philosophy, and spirituality. The program prepares students to take their knowledge and help others develop their own personal sense of self. Common areas of study include:

Metaphysics History
The Exploration of God
Altered States of Consciousness

Coursework examines different belief systems in history. Through the exploration of religion students are able to step into many careers. The goal is to help people determine the difference between religion and spirituality. Professionals help their clients achieve self-awareness by helping them understand how to pray and meditate.

Further study at the master's degree level covers a more in depth understanding of metaphysical practices and beliefs. Students learn about several philosophies and spiritual states. Programs are typically research based, which allows students to apply their understanding of the field to their area of interest. For example, student's that want to become spiritual counselors often complete an online master's degree program that emphasizes metaphysical practices and beliefs. Some courses may include:

Modern Thought
Universal Science

Students that continue their studies and earn a doctorate degree have the most career opportunities. Online colleges offer several different concentration options to students. Education is entered based on the area of metaphysics students want to work in. Some possible concentration areas could include:

Metaphysical Healing
Eastern Religions and Philosophy
Holistic Healing

For example, students that complete a holistic healing degree program will establish careers where they work directly with clients to provide spiritually based healing services. Online coursework develops the understanding of good health, as it relates to the entire individual. Professionals use their metaphysical knowledge to apply treatment to a person's physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

Metaphysical education online allows students to develop the knowledge to apply the field's principles to help others. Students should choose an area of interest and begin training that is accredited by an agency like the World Metaphysical Association ( ), in order to obtain the best quality education available.

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERIC OUTLINE and may or may not depict precise methods, courses and/or focuses related to ANY ONE specific school(s) that may or may not be advertised at

Copyright 2010 - All rights reserved by

Renata McGee is a staff writer for Locate Online Metaphysical Schools and Colleges as well as Campus Based Metaphysical Schools and Colleges at, your Partners in Education and Tuition Assistance Programs.

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Metaphysical Classes - What are They?

Find Metaphysical Classes in the United States and Canada. If you've ever wondered about ESP (extrasensory perception), the Akashic records, or other paranormal studies, then enrolling in one of many metaphysical classes will give you the insight and inspiration you need to discover the many aspects of mind-body-spirit healing and philosophies, thereof.

Metaphysical classes often encompass new age or new thought subject matter including energy healing, visualization techniques, astronomy, quantum physics, crystal healing, astrology, numerology, shamanism, channeling, intuitive training, past life regression, personal and spiritual growth studies, soul expression and much more.

Metaphysical classes in soul communications may involve telepathic sensory, automatic writing, imaging, verbal and interactive sensing, and psychic phenomena.

Other metaphysical classes in past life regression teach students how and why "deja vu" occurs. If you're searching for soul purpose and spiritual enlightenment, there are metaphysical classes that teach about "A Course in Miracles." This particular subject matter is a self-paced course of study geared toward awakening the student's mind and spirit to the revelation of God and the miracles in everyday life.

Some metaphysical classes can encompass ways and means of developing psychic ability. In studies such as these, students will learn about auras, reincarnation, the astral body, advanced metaphysics, ESP, the Occult, mysticism, universal laws and personal and spiritual development.

If you're interested in becoming a professional metaphysical practitioner, then metaphysical classes can help you gain your footing in a commonly misunderstood field. Depending on which one of several metaphysical classes in which you choose to enroll, rest assured that you will receive in-depth and enlightening training in a wide range of subjects. For example, if you want to learn more about the spiritual world, then metaphysical classes in angel studies, metaphysical sciences, spiritualism, metaphysical theology, and parapsychology studies might be of interest to you.

Other subject matter in metaphysical classes may be comprised of gemstones, critical thinking, holistic healing arts, hypnosis, inner awareness, mind-energy studies, personal ministry and other metaphysical education.

A number of metaphysical classes may lead to certificates, diplomas or degrees; in some cases, metaphysical schools may provide associates, bachelors, masters and doctorate programs* in metaphysical healing arts and holistic healing arts. In addition, there are several certification programs that are commonly offered (spiritual healer, intuitive practitioner, etc.) as well. (It is always wise to review school curriculums for specific programs, tuition and prerequisites.)

If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding metaphysical classes, let career training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs [] near you.

Metaphysical Classes: What are they?
© Copyright 2007
The CollegeBound Network
All Rights Reserved

NOTICE: Article(s) may be republished free of charge to relevant websites, as long as Copyright and Author Resource Box are included; and ALL Hyperlinks REMAIN intact and active.

Resource Box: CarolAnn Bailey-Lloyd - Freelance Writer and Web Consultant for, in association with - Educational Resources for Metaphysical Classes, Metaphysical Schools, and other Energy Healing Schools.

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Frauds in the Metaphysical Field Part 1

This is an important subject to address for like in every field of human endeavor, the metaphysical branch has its charlatans, scoundrels, and manipulators who are ever ready and eager to mislead the earnest seeker of Truth. Students of metaphysics as well as laymen should understand the difference between true spiritual metaphysicians and scoundrels assuming the title. Disciples of the Spirit should be able to discern between metaphysical practices and services of spiritual worth and those objectionable operations of pseudo-metaphysicians that simply mislead the human soul. Too often paranormal practices are erroneously considered as "spiritual."

The metaphysical path is fraught with many temptations, glamour and illusions, and one could easily fall into the contrived traps of Maya and the Dark forces. Because of the rapid growth of the metaphysical, holistic, and paranormal fields in recent years there have been many unscrupulous individuals entering the profession promoting and advertising themselves excessively hoping to take financial advantage of the public's interest, curiosity, enthusiasm and ignorance. Most of these people--these frauds--will cheat, lie, deceive, promise you anything that you will want to hear, and please you in order to grab your hard-earned cash. They even go so far as to indulge in immoral practices such as sexual molestation and rape under the pretext of transferring magical power. Often they would resort to stage magic and tricks to mislead one's senses into believing their "extraordinary" powers and faculties. Even the genuine psychics possessing some power and ability would over-exaggerate the little knowledge or talent that they have. Should they master a single metaphysical art, such as clairvoyance, for instance, they would go so far as to say that they possess the other psychic abilities as well. One should be wary of the persuasive tongue of so-called psychics and metaphysicians. If these spiritual con-men did not involve themselves in the metaphysical field, they would enter any other field with the same hidden despicable motive of self-aggrandizement and ego-promotion.

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and so-called paranormals are quick to establish themselves as metaphysicians or experts in the psychic/parapsychological/magickal field who actually know very little or have acquired very little metaphysical learning, training and experience. Most psychics read a few books on metaphysics and adopt its associated terms and terminology without a profound understanding of what they truly mean. Students of metaphysics often fall into such glamour as well. They may have read a few books, attended a few seminars or workshops, or even studied under a few Gurus and yet with the little that they acquire, they feel themselves to be knowledgeable in all aspects of metaphysics, and subsequently, they often express spiritual and mental pride. They may even feel disdainful or look condescendingly upon a genuine Guru should they perchance come across one. Ignorant of the characteristics of a true Spiritual Master or Adept, they simply follow those who vainly display unusual powers and knowledge, or those that offer them the instant transference of occult knowledge and the awakening of the serpent power. These students of metaphysics are more seekers of sensation than seekers of God or Truth. The writer of this work have personally read countless books on metaphysics, studied metaphysical teachings of various schools and yet, still feels that he knows so little. Even worst than this, he has come to realize how ignorant he really is from the Cosmic point of view and that there is still so much to learn about the Omniverse. He has come to realize that a question answered only gives rise to several more questions that needs to be answered, ad infinitum. To be knowledgeable of one's ignorance is positive but to be ignorant of one's ignorance is negative and blind.

Thus, having said all of the above, it should be realized that professional metaphysical con-men are generally individuals who present themselves as persons whom you would least expect to be frauds.

We would like to quote Dr. Paul Leon Masters, the founder of the University of Metaphysics on this very subject of spiritual con-men, extracted from the newsletter "In Touch" (Feb. 1997):

"Generally, they dress well, are sociable, charming and outgoing. Above all, they speak very spiritually, constantly referring to the Light, to having a better world through the Light. They have learned to prey on the gullibility of true seekers, who in their own honesty and heart, simply accept all of the flowery spiritual phrases used by the metaphysical con man as being representative of what the spiritual con man (and I might add, woman) really is. Christ warned his disciples 2,000 years ago to 'beware of ravenous wolves masquerading in sheep's clothing.' The spiritual con person is very clever. As an example, if ever accused or convicted of anything, he/she will ask that the accusers be forgiven. This con person knows this plays well before a spiritual audience who believe this person certainly has been wrongly accused, because look how really spiritual they are in their forgiveness. It is all an act! In the heart of a sincere person, of course, it is genuine. However, here the reference is to an insincere person. Another sign is that a sincere person, when caught with a hand in the cookie jar, will show some sign of remorse and/or conscience, because the presence of God of Light truly is active in him/her. Not the spiritual con person, who will go into tremendous denial, and whose game is that if it can be denied often enough and vehemently enough, you will begin to believe that he/she is innocent of any wrongdoing.

"Con persons will try to impress you as to their holiness by surrounding themselves with spiritual props. This can take the form of many spiritual books displayed in their office so you may think how spiritually involved they may be. Also, they will surround themselves with symbols, works of art, anything to give the impression of how genuinely spiritual they are. If challenged, they become enormously defensive--that you would even dare to challenge their credibility. How dare you! Remember, an honest spiritual person has nothing to defend against, and therefore, welcomes communication.

"Challenge con persons a little too much and something happens. The true dark side of their nature surfaces. These people, who you are accustomed to hearing speak in joyful, flowery terms of light, suddenly threaten you, becoming the ruthless bastards or bitches they really are. In other words, if the old two-faced spirituality will no longer work with you, they will not hesitate to switch to threats, intimidation, and coercion.

"The old expression, 'time will tell,' is a good one to follow. If someone enters your spiritual space who may seem a little too slick, too charming, who speaks and writes in the most flowery of metaphysical terms, do not rush into any spiritual, financial, or professional involvement. Remember, fools rush in where angels fear to tread--so, allow a great deal of 'time to tell' whether they are in truth filled with Light or really with DARKNESS."

To professional metaphysicians psychic frauds are easy to spot; the layman, however, knowing even less than the self-proclaimed paranormal experts, regard these bogus individuals as nothing less than minor gods. These charlatans come and go and their establishments are usually fly-by-night in nature. Involvement with such people could bring adverse effects to one's personal, social and professional standing. But most importantly, one is led astray spiritually. It is, therefore, advisable to recognize these spiritual and psychic con men in order to prevent oneself from being duped and harmed in any way and to stagnate in one's spiritual evolution.

An objectionable point to consider is the god-like status given to paranormals by those who are ignorant of the laws of Nature and the true purpose of Life. These paranormals are placed upon pedestals often by hired hands or even by sincere, but ignorant persons caught in the charismatic web of pretenders to power and spirituality. Although the clients or patients of these psychics are seemingly helped in some way, and strongly believe in the appropriateness and value of the services offered by those who proclaim themselves as "metaphysical" experts--the help offered is not permanent, nor does it promote evolutionary growth. On the contrary, psychic help often causes a person's spiritual unfoldment to stagnate in the mire of matter as we have been alluding and reiterating ever so often.

Just because a person may have success or is accomplished in one line of endeavor does not make that person well-informed or knowledgeable in other fields; and yet we see how low-caliber paranormals are often eager to comment on anything and everything from sex to politics. Nowadays we see how the mass media is being exploited to the full by false prophets who are so keen in making their beastly mark in the minds of men and to be regarded as celebrities. Not only do they present themselves in the printed media but also on television as well. Here we can easily perceive how the latter-day idols mislead human souls by blinding humanity's Divine Vision of Truth, Reality, Purpose, and Goodness; and presenting false teachings and statements.

It would be wise to be armed with the knowledge of the reality underlying the many psychic frauds and pseudo-metaphysical practices that violates the Law of Harmlessness and deceive sincere persons and which eventually causes stagnation to their soul-growth in their evolutionary journey toward perfection.

The ignorance of the masses are taken advantage of by pseudo-psychics and metaphysicians and it would be helpful to combat this situation by enlightening those who regularly make use of, or plan to make use of the services of people involved in the metaphysical field, and who call themselves "spiritual teachers," "psychics," "shamans," "paranormals," or "metaphysicians." Every bona fide metaphysician and the average person on the street should be aware of the true facts and nature of the deceptive and glamorous metaphysical practices filled with sensation and designed only to satisfy human curiosity without properly considering the real needs of the unfolding soul. Persons who are unaware of fraudulent practices and are victims of these metaphysical deceivers may find themselves getting nothing of true worth, aside from the exorcism of their pocket of their hard-earned monthly wage.

Deception may be apparent or it may be subtle. To the discerning person the deceptive methods, both apparent and subtle of pseudo-metaphysicians and psychics can be seen and felt in their mannerism, the way they speak, the way they behave, the demands that they make, the way they present themselves, and the general energy that they radiate. These are all keys revealing the negative nature hiding beneath their pretensions. It is said, by the fruit we shall know the tree and this is a truism especially in the metaphysical field. Professional metaphysicians who are psychically and spiritually developed and knowledgeable, may detect these pretenders to metaphysical knowledge, wisdom and power through spiritual, rational, and psychic means. The spiritual disciple should learn as much as possible how to discern the true from the false so that they may lead others from darkness to Light.

Most of the modern psychic deceivers will make excessive use of metaphysical terminology to sound erudite, and also exploit and misappropriate the little information and knowledge that they acquire through insincere metaphysical studies in order to make a big impression upon people so that the unknowing and innocent ones may be greatly influenced by their heinous machinations. From the very onset their motives for "aiding" people are simply the promotion of their ego--or self-aggrandizement, and the commercialization of the infinitesimal knowledge or psychic ability that they possess for huge financial returns. Basically, there is nothing wrong in offering one's psychic services to the public and charging a price for it, what is objectionable is that this is often done irresponsibly, excessively, irrationally, and for ignoble reasons. It may be true that some individuals possess a certain psychic ability, however, they often use this as a blatant argument that they possess other "powers" as well. They often exaggerate and brag much and make bombastic statements such as celebrities or governmental people constantly make use of their services, or that they have long studied overseas in Tibet or in India . . . Whether true or not, such statements are egoistic and unprofessional and it is easy to see the stratagem behind these proclamations. Their intentions and machinations are clear as daylight to those who have eyes to see.

One of the most apparent signs that may indicate falseness on the part of pseudo-psychics is their use of fancy titles that is supposed to reveal their "spiritual" standing. All sorts of high-sounding titles are used to impress the public concerning their so-called spiritual status or the many "powers" that they are supposed to possess. Sometimes these titles are legitimate, but most often they are self-given or "purchased." And even though legitimately and officially given by honorable men or by metaphysical/spiritual/academic institutions, these titles from the spiritual standpoint are just empty labels without any spiritual value. We know a thing by its character and expression, not by its label. With the possession of titles, psychic frauds promote themselves hoping to dupe and exploit the gullible public. The love for titles simply show an egoistic tendency and self-centeredness--a glamorous condition that the disciple of the spiritual path should not be dragged into. The lower nature of man enjoys the glamour of being at the center stage, or in the limelight. Needless to say, metaphysical self-deceivers enjoy promoting their physical image by placing their photographs excessively in books, magazines and advertisements. People with such a personal and egoistic trait seek to control and manipulate others, usually the motive is to instill fear and the acquisition of fame and fortune; and their services to others simply benefit their client's or "patient's" earthly natures. What psychics are not conscious of is that most of their services and wares do not promote spiritual evolution--they neither liberate nor cause enlightenment--which are important goals in the higher aspects of metaphysics. It is factually true that being in this world one should strive to improve it; it is also vitally important for us to transcend our earthly condition--our personality, our earthly desires, and our dualistic, delusive thinking. Our condition can be compared to being in prison. Even-though we may strive to improve our surroundings while in jail so as to experience the maximum comfort, our prime objective is to be released from it so as to acquire a greater life experience.

The problem of titles also applies to the graduates of academic and religious institutions. Though one may legitimately receive the title "Doctor" in the field of metaphysics, or "Reverend," "Ulama," "Romo," "Swami," "Yogi," "Lama," "Ki," "Kyai," "Ustad" and "Sri," etc., as a priestly or sacred title in the field of religion or mysticism, it does not indicate that the person bearing it is spiritual, holy or magically powerful in any way. We make this statement from the standpoint of being both a Doctor and a Minister--and the right given to wear the esoteric title of "Ki," designating a titile of respect in Indonesian occultism--so realize that there are no pretensions on our part as well. Often title holders are deluded in this respect and are victims of spiritual pride. This is a glamorous illusion that all spiritual aspirants, that all on the path of spiritual unfoldment must overcome.

We appeal to title or degree holders to maintain humility and a sense of goodwill and love for their fellow men, with a desire to serve God and the higher Spiritual Intelligences. Titles mean nothing. One's spiritual standing has to be manifested and proved sincerely on a daily basis without the thought of any praise or recognition from the mouths of men. The old adage declares that one should practice what one preaches.

Traditional teachings also warn us not to be the "blind leading the blind." Most paranormals or psychics deceive themselves as to their self-importance, power, and ability. They overestimate themselves while at the same time belittling other metaphysicians who may be the genuine article. They believe that all that they receive psychically are true, that their spirit guides are infallible, that their visions are God-sent, that their predictions must come true, that their work are beneficial to humanity. Concerning the latter, it may be factual that some of their services are of value on a short-term basis, but in the long run their help may cause soul-stagnation, as mentioned before--and this is the unseen danger.

Most commercial psychics are under the impression that they are truly helping others, but in fact, are causing great harm in the process. The Dark Forces work in such a way: they offer you wonderful "trinkets" that would make you happy and seemingly solve your worldly problems but in the process cause you to forget your soul-purpose and spiritual journey. Most psychics and so-called priests of Religion are unaware that they are the instruments of "Iblis," or the Fallen One.

Copyright © 2006 Luxamore

Metaphysical teacher, counseler, healer and merchant of occult/magickal items of Indonesia.

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Metaphysical Training - Workshops and Seminars

Find Metaphysical Training in the United States and Canada. With the expansion of alternative and healing arts schools, it is only natural that metaphysical training workshops and seminars have too, evolved. Today, individuals can enroll in a number of metaphysical training classes that entail studies in energy healing (i.e. reiki, chakra balancing, etc.) or in a variety of other fascinating topics.

Some metaphysical training workshops teach techniques in how to "hone-in" to psychic abilities; fine-tuning innate ways to reveal hidden talents. Other metaphysical training programs may be more comprehensive in nature, instructing in meditation, spirituality and yoga.

While many metaphysical and alternative healing schools provide metaphysical training and seminars, a number of these enlightening programs are sometimes conveyed through public community and learning centers. For example, there are a few instructional opportunities for individuals to learn about kinesiology (an energetic form of muscle testing). Though this is commonly used in conjunction with an assortment of massage therapies, it is also facilitated as an energy healing instrument.

Metaphysical training seminars also exist as introductory lessons in spiritual mysticism, shamanism, distance healing, higher philosophy, and other diverse subject matter. An intriguing metaphysical training course that one might choose may be in symbolism and prophesizing - for instance, if you've ever thought about reading Runes, the Tarot or discovering hidden secrets through remote viewing, then there are metaphysical workshops that allow you to learn more about these unique forecasting tools.

Some metaphysical training seminars are great for those seeking to improve mind-body-spirit awareness. Within these courses of study, are defining wisdoms of universal laws and human interaction with these laws. In addition, metaphysical training workshops may lead to professional certificates of completion, as well as continuing education credits.* (CE's may be applied to spiritual theology, holistic healing arts, and metaphysical healing arts.)

In general, if you've ever wanted to know what makes the world around you tick, paranormal phenomena, how energy transforms, or basic quantum physics - then participating in one of several metaphysical training classes may afford you with the knowledge you've been seeking.

If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding metaphysical training, let career training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs [] near you.

Metaphysical Training: Workshops and Seminars
© Copyright 2007
The CollegeBound Network
All Rights Reserved

NOTICE: Article(s) may be republished free of charge to relevant websites, as long as Copyright and Author Resource Box are included; and ALL Hyperlinks REMAIN intact and active.

Resource Box: CarolAnn Bailey-Lloyd - Freelance Writer and Web Consultant for, in association with - Educational Resources for Metaphysical Training, Metaphysical Courses, and other Energy Healing Schools.

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Metaphysics - A Philosophy That Makes Sense

In a world where people drive in the fast lanes, eat fast food, and complain that the computers and machines we use are not fast enough, it is no wonder we manifest disease, emotional and mental illness, and experience an emptiness that comes from a void of connection with one another and the Divine. Medical science has traditionally separated the physical body from the internal spirit, and society as a whole has focused primarily on the external aspects of life. It is encouraging to see the emergence of a new thought or new age (which having it roots in many ancient cultures is really not new at all) that suggests the best cure for disease is to understand and eliminate its root causes while treating its symptoms, and practicing prevention.

Metaphysics has a rich history in Native American and many ancient Eastern cultures, and is becoming an increasingly popular academic discipline in the United States. The immigration of diverse ethnic groups has changed the cultural face of America over the past few decades and has formed a more globally minded society in the U.S. This report will give information on metaphysics, examine current views regarding metaphysics and its show its effects upon our society.

Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that examines the fundamental nature of all reality, both visible and invisible. It is basic and simple, yet includes all that exists; therefore, it applies to everything divine, human, or other. Metaphysics is a science that seeks to unite man's physical, mental, and spiritual nature into the whole of its parts.

Metaphysics derives its name and meaning from two Greek words:

Meta - behind, beyond, transcending, or encompassing; moving toward change or transformation; higher, more developed. Physics - study of physical forces and qualities: the scientific study of matter, energy, force, and motion, and the way they relate to each other. Physics traditionally incorporates mechanics, electromagnetism, optics, and thermodynamics and now includes modern disciplines such as quantum mechanics, relativity, and nuclear physics.

In his works on natural science, the Greek philosopher and scientist, Aristotle, (384-322 BC) presented thoughts on astronomy, meteorology, plants, and animals. His writing about the nature of existence, First Philosophy, was later titled Metaphysics. This work deals with what he calls the knowledge of first causes, or Divine knowledge (for God is thought to be among the causes of all things and to be a first principle), which he believed one had to acquire before a scientific answer could be reached. However, the Chinese, Native American Indians, Hindus, Buddhists, and many other cultures have long known about and practiced a method of Metaphysics in their spiritual and healing practices.

Knowledge for Metaphysics is gathered by rational (scientific) thought or mystical (intuitive) understanding and therefore gathers a wide range of people into its study. To call one a metaphysician in this traditional, philosophical sense indicates nothing more than a person s interest in attempting to discover what underlies everything. A psychology that merges science and spirituality has developed through metaphysics. Teachers, philosophers, doctors, and ministers utilize metaphysics in dealing with emotional and physical problems, especially with the sick and dying. Many times doctors and counselors who work in the field of Metaphysics are called spiritual healers, mystics, or alternative medical practitioners. Although most utilize such skills as telepathy (the ability to read the mind of another person), clairvoyance (the ability to see spiritually), or clairaudience (the ability to hear spiritually), there are numerous Metaphysical methods of treatment commonly used in our society (see figures 1 & 2) to balance energy and allow the body to heal itself naturally.

In one case, there was a woman who had experienced severe depression all her life and who had manifested suicidal thoughts during times of crisis. She sought help from traditional counselors and medical doctors who prescribed an antidepressant medication. However, the medication only masked the problem by covering its symptoms. Even with medication, a low level of anxiety and brain fog (confusion and inability to remain focused) continued. Additionally, while on the antidepressants, her weight had increased by 20 percent. The weight gain lowered her self-esteem, but each time she attempted to discontinue or reduce her medication the suicidal thoughts would return and her mood disorder would worsen. After learning about metaphysical methods of treatment, she visited an energy therapist. The therapist found that the right and left hemispheres of her brain were disconnected from one another, that her mind was not connected to her brain (they are not the same thing), and that her throat chakra was spinning in the wrong direction. This was causing her fifth chakra to deflect any energy that was attempting to come to her pituitary, pineal, and adrenal glands, thus resulting in poor metabolism, hormone imbalance, and symptoms of depression. In addition to this, the therapist intuitively detected hidden fears coming from past events that were registering as trauma in the second and third chakras.

After clearing the detrimental energy from these areas, and turning and balancing the chakras, the patient began to return to her normal weight, her self-esteem improved, her fears lessened, and the symptoms of depression diminished. As energy treatment continued, the woman was able to safely discontinue all anti-depressant medication without experiencing the return of the mood disorder or suicidal thoughts.

There seems to be a proclivity among people who are awakening and embracing Metaphysics. Emotional walls and religious barriers are coming down as people who formerly held fast to one doctrine or dogma, are beginning to accept and affirm ancient belief systems. This hodgepodge faith is causing a change in lifestyle for many people. Those who never considered themselves a religious church goer are now finding comfort and healing through contact and communication with angels, spirit guides, ascended masters, and the Divine Mother/Father Creator. This is effecting how humans treat themselves, one another, animals, and the environment.

Fast food restaurants are slow in catching on to the desires of those who wish to eat more healthful, but there is hope that super-sized, fat-laden meals at the drive-thru window will be replaced with low-fat, high fiber meals of smaller proportions at the same price and convenience. This transition will be necessary and profitable for food vendors when more people catch on to the benefits of Metaphysics. People all over the globe are finding that we have a common thread -- the need for energy whether in the form of love, healing, connection, personal power, or acceptance. Energy is the source of all life. Prana or Chi (pronounced chee ) is the word used to describe the natural energy or life-force of the Universe. We know that the sun contains energy to warm the earth, and energy is contained in chemicals such as hydrogen -- imagine the power of an atom when split. Electrical energy is used to supply comfort to our homes. Food, when digested, is converted to energy for the human body. All humans produce and expend energy. In fact, humans consist of chemical energy. Common statement such as, I m exhausted, I m drained, I have no energy, are more than simple expressions of physical fatigue or pain. Pain and fatigue are messages from our subconscious that tell us something is amiss in the way our body is receiving or utilizing energy.

Metaphysic studies show that every human, animal, and plant has an energy field (aura) around them from which one pulls in energy from the Earth and Universe. The chakras, or energy centers, pull in energy from and release energy into the aura somewhat like electricity uses AC/DC current. The chakras emit colors (literally vibration or wave length/frequencies) that are in direct correlation to the amount of energy being integrated throughout the body Chakra is a Sanskrit word which means wheel. The chakras are seen as spinning vortex along the front and rear of the body. There are seven major chakras or energy centers in the human body where energy is intercepted and transferred to every cell of the body, including the mind and spirit. The chakras can become damaged, blocked, misaligned, imbalanced, or dirty through ignorance, unhealthy lifestyles, or chemical and substance abuse. When we awaken to Metaphysical knowledge and begin to access our internal energy, we can begin to heal our physical and emotional diseases.

Many who acknowledge dualism (the idea that man is first spirit and second physical matter) are opposed by those who dismiss Metaphysical practices as being of the devil or perhaps mere foolishness. Opposition to non-conventional thinking and other such heresies has always been present to some degree in every society. Hostility toward those who deviate from societal norms was manifested in the horrible activities of the Inquisition, the Crusades, and the Holocaust. The degree to which we punish those with whom we do not agree may vary, but even today differing opinions regarding beliefs prevent peace efforts in many war-torn countries. While in the U.S. it is not an acceptable practice to kill someone for their faith, rejection and ridicule are typical responses toward those who embrace a controversial Metaphysical view of life. What a sad commentary it would be to say that we have landed on the moon, yet have not reached our own spirit.

More and more people are looking to non-conventional methods of healing that combine a natural or spiritual approach. This type of healing offers more resources by providing the patient more choices-choices that integrate the spiritual (internal) parts with the wisdom of modern day medicine (externals) to unify the mind, body, and spirit of the individual. It appears that we are attempting to get back to our tribal roots. The current world trends regarding Metaphysics would surely please Aristotle and other great philosophers, ancient shamans, and mystical masters. Then again, who is to say that those great minds have not continued to influence our progress from beyond the grave!

Yvonne Perry is a freelance writer and the owner of Writers in the Sky Creative Writing Services (WITS). She and her team of ghostwriters are ready to assist you with writing and editing for books, eBooks, Web text, business documents, resumes, bios, articles, and media releases. For more information about writing, networking, publishing, and book promotion, or to sign up for free email delivery of WITS newsletter, please visit New subscribers receive a free eBook Tips for Freelance Writing.

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Approaching Metaphysics Part 2

If we think about it we will realize that we are unable to take anything material with us to the higher worlds when we pass on. We are unable to take along with us our house, our money, our possessions, our titles, etc. What we do take along are things that are immaterial--our knowledge, our memories, our karma, our habits, our character, our spiritual and psychic development, our aspirations and desires. We can see from this that our purpose in this world, in this physical plane is in connection with those immaterial things mentioned above, and if--and metaphysics declare it to be so--evolution is a law of Nature, a Cosmic law, then our true purpose is to evolve, to improve and to purify those immaterial things. Our greatest opportunity in this world is the correct use of time. Use this gift of God searching for Truth and not wasting it on non-essentials.

Perhaps after being a little pessimistic about reflecting death just awhile ago we may now be cheerful and be optimistic about life and to carry-out the main purpose of physical existence instead of wasting our precious time, energy and resources on immoderate and excessive entertainment: too much watching TV, too much sex, the taking of drugs, and indulgence in other material devices invented and designed by the Dark forces to sidetrack and make us forget our divine heritage, purpose of being and our mission here on Earth. This is the nature of evil: it diverts us from experiencing our true soul-purpose and need. Anything that distracts us from improving our soul nature, our character, our morals, or acquiring metaphysical knowledge of Cosmic laws and truths, is to be considered as an evil mechanism and an intruder to our microcosmic system. These evil intruders sometimes work in such a subtle manner at times that even disciples of metaphysics are sometimes caught off-guard.

The Pure Life

A metaphysical life entails living a life of purity. Even before approaching a Master for apprenticeship, a pure, spiritual, constructive life should be lived as best as one is able to. The degree of purity within us can be seen and felt by the Spiritual Masters and Adepts of metaphysics and the occult. They know our spiritual state and status by the colors and the luminosity of our aura, by our facial expression, by the quality of the emanations of our eyes, and by the way we think, speak and act.

By the above we do not imply that one has to be a saint in order to be a worthy student of the occult or metaphysics. What we are saying is that purity is a necessary quality to possess and to develop when one becomes a serious student of the occult. It is an indispensable quality for it prepares our psycho-biological system, our nervous systems to withstand intense energies that we invoke from the higher worlds through our occult and metaphysical studies. We often hear of people going insane because of their involvement with the occult or metaphysics. This is because of their lack of purity. Their nervous systems were not able to sustain the spiritual vibrations coursing through them. When this occurs, as mentioned before, the nervous system ruptures, certain brain cells and nerve centers are destroyed, and the etheric webs protecting the student from overexposure to impressions of higher frequencies coming from the other dimensions, are shattered. One is then unable to shift focus from one reality to another but is opened to both. This causes too much strain. Insanity is the sad result.

Spiritual energy invoked through mystical practices also evokes the undesirable elements lying within us. If these elements are not cleared by a process of purification, they would cause us trouble. This is not to say that metaphysics or the occult is an unsafe study. There is danger in everything. One simply needs the right information and common sense, and take precautionary measures when delving into any study, especially metaphysics and the occult.

Purification is a multi-level process. It should occur on all levels of the microcosm. For instance, our physical body, our blood-stream, our energy-structures, our emotions, our minds, our aura, and chakras, all need to undergo purification. The Path of Purification is a basic step in any system of occult, metaphysical, and spiritual study. To neglect this essential step is to open-up ourselves to spiritual dangers. Any Guru neglecting the Path of Puification in his or her metaphysical system is a false teacher working against the evolutionary tide and spiritual current. It is not beyond the means of any average person to become pure and holy. The difficulty is that people do not see purity or holiness for what it is. They have many erroneous concepts regarding it. For instance, some of us believe that to be holy one has to seclude oneself from society, be celibate, or wear white robes or even tattered clothing. They believe that to be holy one must dress oneself in some special way or wear a certain hairstyle or do strange things, or act a little mad. These are all fallacies. We should all strive for holiness by being what we truly are, and not be what we think ourselves to be. In the name of Light, Life and Love, we appeal to all students to be pure and holy.

A Balanced Approach Towards Metaphysics

In metaphysics or in the occult, the student is requested to take a balanced approach. There are three factors that students have to consider:

1) Knowledge of metaphysical laws, principles, and cosmic truths.

2) Unfoldment of spiritual and psychic senses, faculties, and abilities.

3) Acceleration of one's spiritual development, of one's soul evolution.

The pursuit of these three together in a harmonious way is necessary in developing a well-rounded attainment. When one is over-emphasized and the others compromised as to their importance, then trouble results for the metaphysical student. For instance, too much knowledge without spiritual abilities and a spiritual development results in a poor instrument, one ineffective in the service of men, and one filled with pride and vanity. Psychic abilities without knowledge and a degree of spiritual advancement causes similar symptoms as the above--pride and vanity, together with a poor understanding of what one registers through the psychic centers. Though one be "spiritual," without metaphysical knowledge and understanding one is often deluded and misled by psychic forces. One falls into the trap of glamour and illusion.

To be spiritually developed without adequate knowledge and psychic ability results in one's ineffectiveness in serving humanity. We can see from this that the problem facing the metaphysical student is the correct pursuit and development of those three factors simultaneously. The unfoldment of these three factors causes that Divine Spark (Spirit), the Soul-Flame within us to grow in strength and magnitude. This Spark is threefold. There is a will-power aspect (blue), a love-wisdom aspect (pink) and an intelligence-understanding aspect (yellow). This divine flame, metaphysically, has its location within our physical heart and is about 2 cm in size. It is representative of the Higher Soul within the microcosm which is likewise threefold in nature. Esoteric students of Theosophy, for instance, call these components of the threefold Soul, atma, buddhi, and manas.

Too often metaphysical, occult, or so-called spiritual Gurus teach on the basis of a single approach. This does much harm to the student and to society in the long run, or in the very least, it does no lasting good. Advanced teachers, or true Spiritual Masters would synthesize the above three factors. Their approach as a synthesis of those triune factors, would be practical, instructive, and informative.

Let us look again at those three factors. What do we mean by occult and metaphysical knowledge? By such knowledge we mean of the following :

Knowledge concerning, the origin of Spirit-Man; the origin of human beings; the origin of the solar system; civilizations of unrecorded hstory; the real history of man; man's purpose of being; the progression and the transmission of the ageless teachings throughout the centuries; the origin of religion; the Mystery Schools; the occult anatomy of man; man's latent powers and faculties; the secret teachings and oral tradition of the prophets; the nature and laws governing the higher worlds and man; the application of Cosmic laws; the hidden laws of this three-dimensional world; the principles of counseling and healing; the nature of man, etc.

Now what do we mean by the unfoldment of psychic and spiritual abilities? What are they? Here are just a few: the ability to register spiritual impulses emanating from the Soul, the Spirit, the Spiritual Hierarchy, one's spiritual group, and Master; telepathy; the ability to direct the elements and forces of Nature; spiritual vision; etheric vision; the ability to function consciously in the higher worlds; the ability to attune with the Divine Cosmic Mind; the ability to know the past, present and future; the ability to heal body, mind and soul; the power to create; etc.

And lastly, what do we mean by spiritual development? We means expanding one's consciousness; opening up the intuitive channels; the transcendence of the false ego; the expression of one's divinity; oneness with Nature, God and one's fellow men; the purification of one's thoughts, words, and actions; the realization and awareness of one's true identity, and the unfoldment of all spiritual virtues and attitudes such as sacrifice, renunciation, detachment, steadfastness, endurance, strength, self-control, patience, magnanimity, purity, heroism, truthfulness, generosity, compassion, understanding, love, affection, serenity, faithfulness, altruism, tolerance, reason, devotion, adaptability, sincerity, joy, discernment between the real and the unreal, service, balance, beauty, harmony, creativity, confidence, perception, reverence, sympathy, punctuality, love, tenderness, gratitude, gentleness, harmlessness, inclusiveness, desirelessness, forgiveness, trust, self-discipline, etc.

So far we have used the words occult, metaphysics, and spirituality interchangeably. At this time this suits our purpose, but we have to realize that these terms are not synonymous and each have a specific definition of their own. To these terms we may include mysticism, magick, parapsychology, parapsychic science, and esotericism as each having a definite meaning and yet still connected with metaphysics in general. In the course of one's metaphysical study one would gradually come to realize the fundamental difference.

Humility and Fearlessness

So far, we have already dealt at some length with the qualities that the candidate of metaphysical studies has to possess, such as purity and an open mind. Other important qualities are those of humility and fearlessness.

Humility is the quality of acknowledging the greatness of God as expressing throughout Nature. It is the realization that no matter what one attains or what one becomes there is always room for further growth. Thus, one never view oneself as representing a final attainment such as being the smartest kid in school, for one knows that there are still others much more smarter than oneself. There is always room for improvement. We should not just look down before us, look upwards as well and see that there are others far above us. Reaching one peak allows us to see a higher summit.

There is pride in thinking of being wise or in being stupid. There is also pride in thinking of being rich or in being poor. The writer has often heard people lamenting on how poor they are, and they enjoy saying this and proving it. They would take quite a lot of trouble to prove that they are poor and that none are in as much a need as themselves. This is pride expressing itself, for they fail to see that they possess many of God's precious gifts to them, such as their senses to register impressions, their minds to think, their will to act, and their hands and feet to carry-out their desire; in short, all that is required to manifesting prosperity. Such people are ungrateful beings. In this they show their lack of humility.

When approaching an Occult Master in an egoistic manner, he would most certainly reprimand us verbally . . . or in silence. Such applicants for the teachings are quickly shown the exit. Demanding to be taught indicates one's unreadiness for occultism and metaphysics. Instead of requesting from the Guru the higher teachings, one should come to realize that one still requires the lower teachings and disciplines from the many challenges that life has to offer and instruct us. All of these challenges are simply for the purpose of taming the human ego. The ego when unbridled, is an unfit vessel for metaphysical and spiritual teachings. Where the ego strives, there humility dies.

Fear is one of the obstacles to metaphysical understanding and awareness. Approaching and advancing on the occult path entails facing many enemies and frightening phenomena, the worst of these is our own lower self with its many subconsious projections which in occult circles is called the Dweller on the Threshold. If we wish to pursue occult studies, fearlessness is a paramount virtue to possess, for in truth nothing can hurt us unless we give it the power to do so. One of the maxims of the Great White Brotherhood is to know, to dare, to do, and to be silent. Make this maxim a part of yourself.

In the maxim above the student is advised to be silent. It is disrespectful to the teacher and to the Cosmic to reveal secret and esoteric matters to those unprepared for it. Be ever watchful of your mouth, for as the Master Jesus said: "Do not cast pearls before swines." Silence is a protective quality. It protects the person who keeps silent on sacred matters as well as others who may be inclined to misuse the information. Assume silence when you should be silent and only speak when others are not courageous enough to defend Truth. Silence is golden at the right place and at the right time, and on sacred matters. Students will progress more rapidly should silence be a part of their being. Do not draw attention to yourself. Do not speak of your occult experiences to those unsympathetic to metaphysics, for this would simply provide them with offensive weapons.

In metaphysics too often than not, one may encounter contradictions. These contradictions may just be apparent and not real. Truth is like a cut diamond with its many facets. Keep in mind that what is relatively true is synonymous to being relatively false. However, in cases of contradictions, adopt that which seems more logical to you.

This is an important article and the student is advised to consider it wisely. It is hoped that the student be sincere and apply these teachings that he or she may acquire the virtues that we have referred to. In the days of Atlantis, men misused and abused occult and metaphysical teachings. This was one of the direct reasons why the continent submerged and leaving very few traces as to its geographical location, its place in the memory of men, or in our history books. Many civilizations ended drastically because of the misuse and exploitation of knowledge for selfish ends. People mistakenly believe that the ends justify the means. This is false. The means determines the end. Let us not repeat our ancient mistakes, as it interrupts the evolutionary process and cause the holy ones to weep.

Copyright © 2006 Luxamore

Metaphysical teacher, counseler, healer and merchant of occult/magickal items of Indonesia.

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Metaphysical Programs - Common Studies

Find Metaphysical Programs in the United States and Canada. Presently, there are several educational options for students - whether individuals choose to become certified as a spirit medium, intuitive practitioner or spiritual healing practitioner, these metaphysical programs as well as Associate, Bachelor, Master and Doctor Degree programs are available to those students seeking an alternative education.

For example, metaphysical programs that teach candidates how to become a spiritual healing practitioner or spiritual counselor involve training and education in spiritual counseling, care giving, inner peace healing, spiritual guidelines, how to relinquish fear and anxiety through love and through inner guidance; meditation techniques, among several other related topics. While some of these particular metaphysical programs can be completed on-campus in less than two years, a number of healing arts schools offer these courses through home-study programs as well.

Another one of several metaphysical programs is an Associate in metaphysical healing arts course. In this course of study, students learn how to metaphysically facilitate energy and the mind towards health and healing; how to develop intuition and spiritual awareness, self-hypnosis, dream interpretation, Reiki, chakra balancing, visualization techniques, aura healing, meditation, prayer methods, and other associated subject matter.

Intrigued by the paranormal? There are metaphysical programs designed for the future parapsychologist in mind. In these comprehensive metaphysical programs, students learn much of the aforementioned studies, in addition to astrology, numerology, parapsychology, palmistry, spirit communications, mediumship, psychism, spirituality, gemstone healing, the Occult, cartomancy (i.e., Tarot card reading), Shamanism, and many other topics of study. In-depth metaphysical programs like this usually take about three years to complete, and upon successful completion, graduates become certified and may be eligible to earn a Bachelor's degree in parapsychology studies.

If your calling is for the ministry, there are a number of metaphysical programs designed with an emphasis on theology and pastoral studies. These metaphysical programs teach future spiritual leaders how to heal through emotional balancing methods, as well as spiritual aspects surrounding death and reincarnation, metaphysical interpretation of both the Old and New Testament, personal ministry, prayer and meditation methods, and pastoral counseling methods, among other related studies.

If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding metaphysical programs, let professional training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs near you.

Metaphysical Programs - Common Studies
© Copyright 2007
The CollegeBound Network
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NOTICE: Article(s) may be republished free of charge to relevant websites, as long as Copyright and Author Resource Box are included; and ALL Hyperlinks REMAIN intact and active.

Resource Box: CarolAnn Bailey-Lloyd - Freelance Writer and Web Consultant for, in association with - Educational Resources for Metaphysical Programs, Metaphysical Schools, and other studies.

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Schools of Metaphysics

When you're ready to be enlightened about the laws of the Universe and beyond, then you may wish to apply to one of a number of schools of metaphysics; where you can learn about and beyond the natural and physical world in which we exist.

Learn how to master you higher consciousness by investing your time in one of the philosophical and unique training programs at schools of metaphysics. Choose from any number of fascinating courses, including studies in energy healing, chakra balancing, theology, metaphysics, Reiki, intuitive counseling, earth healing, and more.

To earn a bachelor's degree in metaphysics, schools of metaphysics provide 60 semester hour training programs. Typical coursework entails metaphysical studies in ancient history and cultures, theological history and world religion studies, Eastern philosophies and new age thought, spirituality and philosophy, Native American studies, hypnosis, meditation and prayer, and more.

Masters programs at schools of metaphysics encompass much of the aforementioned studies, as well as advanced studies in Buddhism, yoga, spirituality, and altered states of consciousness, among other related philosophies and theories.

Schools of metaphysics commonly extend higher education degree programs as well. Some of the more popular degree options include the Doctor of Divinity, Doctor of Ministry, and Doctor of Metaphysical Theology Degree. Candidates who choose to pursue these degrees must have completed and met all educational requirements of the master and bachelor degree programs. Some of the in-depth training* (Curriculum corresponds to chosen degree.) that students will acquire entail energy healing, holistic healing, holistic life coaching, paranormal studies, metaphysical healing, and more. As an added advantage, students of schools of metaphysics can often participate in home-study programs.

In addition to metaphysical counseling, candidates who complete training at schools of metaphysics may be able to earn entry-level positions as pastoral care workers, ministers, and as metaphysical teachers.

If you (or someone you know) are interested in learning more about these or other healing arts schools, let professional training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, naturopathy, acupuncture, herbal medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore schools of metaphysics [] near you.

Schools of Metaphysics
© Copyright 2008
The CollegeBound Network
All Rights Reserved

NOTICE: Article(s) may be republished free of charge to relevant websites, as long as Copyright and Author Resource Box are included; and ALL Hyperlinks REMAIN intact and active.

Resource Box: CarolAnn Bailey-Lloyd - Freelance Writer and Web Consultant for [], in association with - Educational Resources for Metaphysics, Schools of Metaphysics, and other unique training programs.

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Metaphysical Degree - Studies of Interest

Find Metaphysical Degree Programs in the United States and Canada. Metaphysical degree programs are gaining in popularity at they present a wide array of studies from which one can choose.

A number of metaphysical degree programs promise professional advancement as students can elect to pursue their bachelor's, master's or doctorate's degree. Students enrolled in metaphysical degree programs geared toward baccalaureate involve curriculums in metaphysical communication, relationships, meditation, emotional release and inner child, spirituality, yoga, stress management, hypnosis, channeling, astral projection, herbal medicine, natural therapies, vibrational healing, lucid dreaming, mysticism, Native American philosophies and traditions, shamanism, and many more related studies.

Metaphysical degree programs that result in achieving ones' master degree frequently involve more advanced coursework and hands-on training in consciousness studies and meditation, metaphysical technologies, Reiki, Hatha Yoga, nutrition, advanced hypnosis, intuitive training, sound and light therapies, aura viewing and much more. Depending on independent schools, some metaphysical degree programs may be geared toward theology; allowing candidates to pursue careers as pastoral counselors or ministers.

Other metaphysical degree programs entail in-depth studies in energy healing, like chakra balancing, touch therapy, distance healing, crystal healing, meridian therapy, and associated healing techniques.

Metaphysical degree programs that result in a doctorate frequently embark on higher consciousness and philosophy studies. Students enrolled in these metaphysical degree programs will learn philosophy of metaphysics, holistic and metaphysical life coaching, divination practices, metaphysics and metaphysical sciences, parapsychology, paranormal sciences, transpersonal, spiritual, metaphysical and pastoral counseling and related instruction.

The fields of study offered through metaphysical degree programs are virtually unlimited as they often involve commonly misunderstood and "unknown" philosophies, theories, practices and innovative healing arts. But to the individual who is drawn to the paranormal, spirituality, higher philosophy and phenomena – earning a metaphysical degree is merely one step closer to achieving personal and professional fulfillment.

If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding metaphysical degree programs, let career training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs [] near you.

Metaphysical Degree: Studies of Interest
© Copyright 2007
The CollegeBound Network
All Rights Reserved

NOTICE: Article(s) may be republished free of charge to relevant websites, as long as Copyright and Author Resource Box are included; and ALL Hyperlinks REMAIN intact and active.

Resource Box: CarolAnn Bailey-Lloyd - Freelance Writer and Web Consultant for, in association with - Educational Resources for Metaphysical Degree(s), Metaphysical Schools, and other Energy Healing Schools.

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Online Metaphysical Degree Training Schools

The search to explain the principles that direct the universe can be fulfilled by specific study inside metaphysics. Students that want to investigate reality on a personal level have the chance to gain a degree online. Metaphysical degrees can be applied to all aspects of life and careers that are focused on how people understand the world.

Training schools provide in depth study at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degree levels. These are designed to teach students how to understand and apply the principles of ontology. Ontology is the cause of existence and knowledge. Students are trained to discover the roots of humanity, potential, and destiny in a holistic approach to taking care of the body. This focuses on the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects that make up a person. Students interested in online metaphysical training schools should expect to find a wide breadth of options. To gain a better understanding for what is available three possible degree programs are discussed below.

Bachelor of Metaphysical Theology - Programs cover all areas of metaphysics to prepare students for career work. An online degree may start by having students follow the progress of metaphysics from its start to today's modern belief systems and culture. The history of God is focused on through Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Since most graduated students work with people directly being able to apply metaphysics to these religions allows them to help on a more personal level. Spirituality and the different altered states of consciousness are studied to further the goal of experiencing self. Online study promotes the ability to work with people on a journey of self-discovery and apply all of the metaphysical principles to life. In some programs students understanding of these concepts are tested through papers at the end of each course.
Master of Metaphysical Theology - Master's degrees are an intermediate step to branching out in the field to a doctoral degree. Students master how to apply all Eastern and Western philosophy to professional work. A typical online program teaches students in depth knowledge of yoga, Buddhism, and other philosophies. Career specific work shows students concepts of meditation, healing, and prayer.
Doctorate of Metaphysical Theology - Online doctorate study allows students to major in a concentrated area. For example, a doctorate in metaphysical healing focuses on the belief that negative thoughts can eventually lead to a physical or emotional reaction. The goal is to transform negative patterns into positive ones. Professionals help their clients become their own healer. Online curriculum dives into a specific look on how the mind can heal the body.

These degree options lead students on a unique and personal education experience that allows them to help themselves and others. The goal of enhancing one's life is reachable through the study and completion of an accredited online metaphysical degree program. Not all schools and colleges are required to carry full accreditation. Accrediting agencies like the World Metaphysical Association ( can provide accreditation to some online programs. Accreditation is proof that students can receive a quality education in their desired field.

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERIC OUTLINE and may or may not depict precise methods, courses and/or focuses related to ANY ONE specific school(s) that may or may not be advertised at

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Renata McGee is a staff writer for Visit to locate Online Metaphysical Schools and Colleges providing the education you're looking for., your Partners in Education and Tuition Assistance Programs.

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