Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Metaphysical Schools

Looking for a metaphysical school? Individuals who enroll in metaphysical schools can anticipate learning that all aspects of life, including the intellect, emotional, spiritual and physical aspects, are understood to be interrelated.

Metaphysical schools are educational institutions, or online learning schools that offer instruction on metaphysics. Learning the philosophy and science of ontology, (the investigation into the understanding of the world), metaphysical school students gain a unique and poignant epiphany of life; altogether.

Metaphysical studies consist of the exploration of the beginnings of all existence; theology and universal science. General disciplines that may be taught in metaphysical schools include natural philosophy; ontology; philosophy of religion; philosophy of mind; and philosophy of perception.

Though specific curriculums vary in metaphysical schools, some basic coursework may consist of Holistic Healing Arts, Ministry; Metaphysical Teaching; Past Life Regression; Pastoral and Spiritual Counseling; Psychic or Intuitive Practitioner; and other related courses. Some common programs that may be offered through metaphysical schools are certification courses such as Counselor; Healing Practitioner; Teacher and other relevant programs.

In addition to fundamental educational programs, metaphysical schools may also offer degreed programs such as Associate, Bachelor and Master of Metaphysical Arts; notwithstanding degrees in Esoteric studies; metaphysical history; spiritual studies; religious and spiritual philosophy; and Doctor of Metaphysical Philosophy.

Overall, metaphysical schools develop comprehensive curriculums geared toward producing metaphysical healing practitioners, ministers, pastoral counselors and teachers who have been skillfully trained and educated to practice various forms of metaphysics.

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C. Bailey-Lloyd in association with Media Positive Communications, Inc. for SchoolsGalore.com

C. Bailey-Lloyd is the Public Relations' Director for Media Positive Communications, Inc. in association with SchoolsGalore.com. Find Metaphysical Schools at SchoolsGalore.com; meeting your needs as your educational resource to locate schools.

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