Saturday, October 02, 2010

iPad news - iPad is ideal for archaeology

IMG source:

In Pompeii - the longest continuously excavated archaeological site in the world - iPad revolutionized how arbeiten.anstatt scientists use recording notes and sketches on paper, researcher at the location iPad and apps invaluable historical data faster, easier and with much better precision to capture.

# Source:

It is also known that Apple wird.Suche used the shiny iPad about standard wooden desks in the apps store, is iPad by archaeologists for several purposes to think to use in muddy pits it terribly.But it seems that from the time you are packed in a decent case begins as exceptional outdoor computer dienen.Ein shows lack of moving parts and the absence of keyboard less chance for the dirt inside and even muckiest typing fingers, let us our data or can enter without difficulty.

Ipad is to discover and revolutionized what scientists in the fields of the longest work excavated archaeological site of the world.Rather than draw sketches and note-taking the paper researchers are iPad apps use to capture valuable historical data easily and quickly with much better precision.

The guy who has been charged, thinks that he has saved time for data one year ditch's worth.Computer legacy enabled progress of simple look at the pretty pictures on the walls can work as now a large amount of data and information.It definitely was a great leap forward in this direction.The next important use of iPad is to carry out excavations.

In Pompeii - the longest continuously excavated archaeological site in the world - iPad revolutionized how arbeiten.anstatt scientists use recording notes and sketches on paper, researcher at the location iPad and apps invaluable historical data faster, easier and with much better precision to capture.
This entry was on Wednesday, September 29, 2010 at 1: 11 am and is filed under Apple, Apple iPad, Tablet PC, iPad General.Sie all responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed folgen.Sie can can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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iPad app - Sonos and iPad app - A superb stereo combination!

Latest app for iPad space presented an excellent stereo system for multi video above is the first view from Sonos.

Compared with a duo Sonos S5 player, from your iTunes library of the computer it is easy to music through this app to spielen.Es plays the number of radio stations, Internet and other services like last.FM, Pandora and Rhapsody.

Yesterday evening I am released APP much pleasured to play music with this app all Morgen.Ich enjoyed until the scope fun for so long.Speakers Sonos S5 player costs $ 400 each and excellent sound quality.

This entry posted, on Thursday, September 30th, 2010 at 9: 44 pm and is filed under Apple, Apple iPad Tablet PC, iPad application, iPad audio iPad General.Sie can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed folgen.Sie can a response, or make trackback from your own site.

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iPad News: iPad 2 be thinner with mini USB and camera

The analysts are claims make that Apple's second generation iPad a camera, a thinner/lighter construction and a USB port with the coming of the 2011's 2nd quarter will have. In the second quarter ways 2011's introduction of the 2nd generation computers by Apple.

It is fairly certain that the new upcoming iPad front-facing will have camera since Apple all the IOS devices as a standardizing FaceTime.According to the reports of the supply chain production was incorporated already ramp for 2011's first half beschrieben.Mini USB connection also, and there is no doubt a surprising step from Apple, who created the entire ecosystem to the dock connector.

At the same time could Apple forced to use the micro USB on upcoming iPhones because the regulation standards for 2011 in Europe wurde.Dieses would implemented law certainly make using mini USB on the future iPad extremely confusing. According to the analysts noted that the project of the 7 inch iPad is still incomplete and thus probably not happen before the 9.7 inch iPad is launching.

The beginning of September AppleInsider found a FaceTime enabling iPad for advanced stages of testing been advanced ist.Aus sources we come to know that Apple probably don't follow the usual product cycle of 12 months with iPad was.Mini USB are iPad's next iteration with a surprising break reach.Significant royalties and license fees, which meant for the accessories are collected by Apple, which uses custom connections of the company.

This entry posted on Saturday, September 29, 2010 at 6: 40 pm and is filed under Apple, Apple iPad Tablet PC, USB, camera, iPad design, iPad feature iPad General.Sie can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed folgen.Sie can a response, or make trackback from your own site.

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iPad app update VLC media player for iPad is not up to the mark

As expected, the first response is iPad VLC MediaPlayer is, that it is very beautiful as the Mac version. It exhibits and not in the same case for version 1.0 of iPad

Mac version of VLC media player is compatible with all formats of video, for those who are not familiar with this about iTunes HD content plays before VLC HD 2004 the Mac users of majority of works can on the back like player backup for eccentric formats video.

Keeping this brain was the Declaration of iPad VLC MediaPlayer on TMO with zeal welcomed. On the other hand, users find behind using it that it produces only iTunes.There is no other option for connecting to a site on the Internet and directly download.It means that either no dropbox support. Select apps, and down section of file sharing in iTunes you can it to an at directory, to sync a Mac, select the files that are selected to the iPad.

iTunes file sharing

It proposed for the simplicity of use, a specific directory for synchronization and transfer procedure zugewiesen.Die trouble, though, the extension of files supported, there is no published list for the Verfügung.An this point the developer informed me: "can the first iPad VLC media player version plays only extension selected."You can this issue by the file extension to "AVI" umbenennen.Er struck me on the bug tracker, where some extra is lit, includes the currently supported formats of files: MOV, AVI, mp4, m4v. 

Bug tracker

Once your files get synchronized, it shows in your library as follows:

VLC Media Player library

Playing is easy and direkt.Nach rename .avi file, I played .wmv, "Blue Angel Crash" and played it very well.Although the resolution is low (320 240), to the blockades of the small size file to avoid, I wish a way which unfortunately is the screen size of the video to machen.Aber size iPad VLC MediaPlayer behoben.Sie screen to control the size only by turning the iPad for superscripts and landscape mode.


The ability to work with iTunes only, not in a position to supports various file formats video to play videos that rename the extension of files, .avi and cannot be changed size of the screen make this VLC media player for iPad is less helpful. It also is helping Web page in French Sprache.So don ' t the labels in the consulting form fields identify.

However, this app is free; I would suggest avoiding some errors and wait until next update kommt.VLC-media player for iPad needs iOS 3.2 or more versions.

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iPad app review Sketchypad for iPad

SketchyPad, a kind of handy app meant for designing user interfaces and Web sites Dummies. With this SketchyPad layout or client can use for fast figure one the iPad concept or just playing around with different ideas.

There are many user interface templates and the app providing design elements to be considered our mock-ups can. for layout of the site text, navigation buttons, tabs, browser and more.

You can be when adding items to mock up, resize by dragging the handles around the object. Resizing is better but there is the aspect ratio of the objects maintain no means if you change the size. Appeared on size retrieve the elements change distorted or stretched a little.However, this app do not all possibilities of rotating elements, but the elements offers locked and in order to determine which items to up or down are rearranged be can fill color, text color, text size and stroke can color be adapted most of the design elements on the. Images from the photo library can be imported with addition of projects on the iPad.

It is a little odd thing about the app while you target, designing user interfaces do not have a but for es.Ich elements I often select or move objects of panning found.It has been emphasised that the interface of SketchyPad not bad is a matter of luck is.when the developers added a good number of undos, so we not to worried about error to get.

When talking about designing interfaces and site layouts, SketchyPad works pretty gut.Wahrscheinlich there better choices for iPad as OmniGraffle or iMockups available.

This entry what posted on Saturday, September 29, 2010 at 1: 28 pm and iPad, Tablet PC, iPad application is archived under Apple, Apple iPad General, iPad Foto.Sie all responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed folgen.Sie can can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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Friday, October 01, 2010

iPad APP Apple releases of iOS remote 2.0 app to support the retina display on iPad and iPhone

On Tuesday Apple released remote application that iPad its iOS-, improved image on the display of the retina, to support found on the latest iPod touch, iPhone 4 and with the new Apple TV, its functionality.

Of Apple's latest remote application for iPad from anyplace of their home, users are able to your iTunes and Apple TV to to.a provides users friendly to send music to airplay speakers with device iOS.  

The latest remote app permits to control easy movement of the finger over the new iOS supports Apple TV. Users with the onscreen keyboard to enter text.

"Choose songs, albums and playlists when you only to the front of the Apple TV or computer," the authorized declaration reads.Anywhere in your home choose a song, select a playlist or search through your entire library.

"With your finger tap can apply to each part of the user interface of Apple TV.""QWERTY keyboard on the Apple TV screen allows you can click fastly from the heading instead of the letters tippen.Dann do tap rewind your fingers content to forward, pause and play."

Remote 2.0 for retina display of 4, iPhone also extends high-resolution graphics, compatible to iTunes 10 on iOS 4 supports multitasking (which contains new icon both to iTunes 10's) and bugs, the establishment of functions.It is available in the app store for free and must iPad, iPhone or iPod touch.This app supports iOS 3.1.2 or next.

According to Apple's Remote application contain the entire list of the latest features in version 2.0:

IPad that exclusively for iPod touch, and iPhone.Optimized for the display of the retina and iPad widescreen-real-estate.Fixes-bugs and compatible with the new Apple TV and iTunes 10.provides support for new Apple TV and iTunes shared library.
This entry what posted on Saturday, September 29, 2010 at 10: 10 pm and is filed under Apple, Apple iPad iPad, Tablet PC, iOS, iPad application, generally, any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed folgen.Sie can iPhone.Sie can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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