Sunday, December 19, 2010

Metaphysical Studies

Find Metaphysical Studies in the United States and Canada. If you are seeking spiritual and emotional growth, metaphysical studies may be an ideal choice of academics to pursue. Today, metaphysical studies are offered throughout many alternative and holistic learning centers; in addition to some mainstream colleges and continuing education platforms.

Metaphysical studies may involve comprehensive courses in astrology, angel studies, biblical studies, esoteric philosophies, holistic and natural healing arts, intuitive development, metaphysical sciences, pastoral counseling, parapsychology studies and many other metaphysical studies.

Students who wish to pursue a degree in metaphysical studies may also choose to enlist in a variety of courses that are geared toward personal and professional growth. Degree programs in metaphysical studies may include Associates, Bachelors and Masters Programs in metaphysical healing arts, religious and metaphysical science, theology, minister, metaphysical education, parapsychology and esoteric studies, metaphysical sciences and other natural healing studies.

In some cases, holistic schools may offer honorary degrees in metaphysical studies; however, this is limited to students who have met certain educational and life experience requirements. Furthermore, students who would like to enroll in higher level degree courses, such as Bachelors, Masters or Doctorate programs will need to have met specific academic requirements in metaphysical studies as well.

Successful graduates of metaphysical studies can enjoy professions in ministerial and spiritual counseling, metaphysical instructors and holistic healers; depending on course or degree of study.

If you are interested in metaphysical studies, feel free to peruse our healing arts schoolsÂ’ directory for metaphysical studies offered near you today.

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Metaphysical Studies
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Resource Box: CarolAnn Bailey-Lloyd - Freelance Writer and Web Consultant for, in association with - Educational Resources for Healing Arts Schools, Metaphysical Schools, and other Alternative Medicine Schools.

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