Chapter III: What Hidden Demons Possess You ?

The Continued Story of
Occult Fiction by Garland Valley
Read the first two chapters of this story
PROLOGUE : Evil Defined
For a clear understanding of Part 2 (How Primary Evil Attempted to Steal the Light) it is important to know how evil is defined in this story. Evil is not be given a name and a face or an identity as has been done by the Churches of Christianity and Catholicism, for to do so is to manifest it within our common reality. However, it is far too late for this to be of concern at this time in history. The Occultist understands the trinity of evil and it is simply classified into three categories by the way in which they exist or by the route it manifests into common reality.
1. Primary Evil
2. Secondary Evil
3. Accidental Evil
The duality theory of good versus evil is expressed, in some form or another, by many cultures. Those who believe in the duality theory of evil believe that evil cannot exist without good, nor good without evil, as they are both objective states and opposite ends of the same scale.
Evil which dwells in the place known as the Underworld, however, does not concern itself with such theories or concepts for it simply is, without questioning why. The Underworld may perhaps be a physical place, perhaps a figurative place but once again it's definition is irrelevant as the more one contemplates evil the closer it becomes for intellectualism is but another mask to cover the insidious fear which is the food of evil.
Within the Underworld exists Primary Evil, it cannot by it's own accord make contact with the common reality in which humanity exists.The term reality, in its widest sense, includes everything that is, whether it is observable,accessible or understandable by science,philosophy, or any other system of analysis. Reality in this sense may include both being and nothingness, whereas existence is often restricted to being.
Primary Evil is also known as the "Dark Satellite" by many Occultists and can be understood as the source of all evil whose sole purpose is to consume and exist. Since it cannot make contact with our world of common reality it must feed by any means possible and this is most often by deception. Primary Evil is named "the "Dark Satellite" as many perceive it as a continuous, eternal body, mass or entity of darkness or the absence of light which orbits our common reality perpetually attempting to gain access to our world through the only doorway possible, the human soul.
Understanding this concept brings us to the next form of evil ; Secondary Evil or evil that has passed through the doorway of the human soul and has manifested itself within our common reality. Secondary Evil is probably the most dangerous as it has been consciously willed into being by the human doorway or host. Many amateur Occultists or those dabbling with Occult tools such as Ouija boards, spellcraft or mediumship have fallen victim to Secondary Evil by inviting it into our reality through poorly constructed ritual, lack of understanding of the Occult or lack of protection from the light and benevolent forces available to us.
This is not to say that the Occult arts are themselves evil, they are simply tools such as a hammer which sits quietly in a toolbox doing nothing but when wielded by the hand can be a constructive tool to build a warm and comforting home or a destructive tool to smash, destroy and kill. So are the Ouija board, the spells of the craft and all forms of spiritual practice which includes the tools of Christianity and Catholicism.
The results of manifesting Secondary Evil are devastating and the deception used by Primary Evil is that of infinate power. Like a carrot which dangles before a horse in a bridle the novice or ignorant practitioner follows the path of Primary Evil to his own demise and often takes many others with him to the grave, through murder, torture and suicide.
A prime example of he manifestation of Primary Evil is that of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party which had its origins in the esoteric Thule Society and Germanorden or "The Order of the Teutons" themselves not necessarily evil but resulted in powerful Occult forces which opened the doorway through Adolf Hitler. History reveals the horror of this evil which consumed millions of lives and eventually claimed that of Adolf Hitler himself by suicide.
Lastly and possibly the easiest to manage (if such can be said about evil) is Accidental Evil whose manifestation has entered through a doorway of the soul without conscious intent on the part of the host, uninvited and unsolicited.Considering that Primary Evil perpetually and unrelentingly searches for a mode of manifestation it will detect even the slightest shadow within the soul and focus upon it until it succeeds in changing a minute shadow into a doorway of darkness, darker than night.
Shadows of evil are not, by the Occultists definition, true evil but merely the potential to become so if left unchecked or ignored. This is why we often have hear such statements as; "It does not matter if you do not believe in evil, for evil believes in you" It is truly a fool upon a dangerous path who denies the existence of evil, for it is the shadow of their fear of it which feeds it and accidentally manifests it. The seed of evil is fear, and I will repeat that as it is important, the seed of evil is fear, or in by the definition of Primary Evil as an entity which consumes; the food of evil is fear.
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